Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/334

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A883804 - 488381(5
JUL-DEC. 1977

A883803 (con.) Appl. au; Advocates for Honen. Advocates for ioaeo; 20Apc77: A88J803.

A383B0li. Movinq OD up: a guide for Hooen's orqanizations to develop and narket affirnative action consulting services. Iriter; Jean Fitzgerald, editor: Lyle York, designer: Ooris Vila. 77 p. Appl. au: Advocates for Honen. Advocates for loaen: 26Apr77: A8838a4.

A8e3805. Your " Engage- A-Car" used car guide. 19 p. 3 Das Leasing Services, Inc. d.b.a. Engage-S-Car Services: 21Jul77: A883805.

A88380e. Successful export business manaqeaent- -essential requirements. By nanuel B. Lopez. 2nd rev. ed. 86 p. Manuel E. Lopez: 11Aug77; Ae83806.

A883807. Practical languaqe skills; checks, foras, applications; duplicating aasters. Ho. 7919. Author: John Pescosolido. 24 p. Appl. au: Hilton Bradley Coapany. e Hilton Bradley Coapany; 21Dec76: A883807.

A883808. Herd skills, advanced; duplicating aasters. Ho. 7751. Author: John Pescosolido. 24 p. Appl. au: Hilton Bradley Coapany. C Hilton Bradley Coapany; 21Dec76: A883808.

A883809. Bord skills, interaediate; duplicating masters. No. 7750. Author: John pescosolido. 24 p. Appl. au: Hilton Bradley company. C Hilton Bradley Coapany; 21Dec76: A8B3809.

A883810. Enrichaent aath, advanced; duplicating aasters. No. 7676. Authors: George A. Spooner, Hilfred E. Boykin G Rilliaa J. Driscoll. 24 p. Appl. au: Hilton Bradley Company. 6 Hilton Bradley Coapany; 21Dec76: A883810.

AS83811. Enrichment math, interaediate; duplicating masters. No. 7675. Authors: George A. Spooner, Bilfred E. Boykin £ Hillian J. Driscoll. 24 p. Appl. au: Hilton Bradley Coapany. Hilton Bradley Company; 21Dec76; A883811.

A883812. Hetric math, advanced; duplicating masters. Ho. 7648. Authors: George A. Spooner, Rilfred E. Boykin S Hilliam J. Driscoll. 24 p. Appl. au: Hilton Bradley Company. Hilton Bradley Coapany: 210ec76: A883812.

A883813. Hetric math, intermediate; duplicating masters. No. 7647. Authors: George A. Spooner, Bilfred E. Boykin £ Billiam J. Driscoll. 24 p. Appl. au: Hilton Bradley Company. 6 Hilton Bradley Coapany; 21Dec76; A883813.

A883814. Vocabulary, advanced; duplicating masters. No. 7598. Author: John Pescosolido. 24 p. Appl. au: Hilton Bradley Coapany. Hilton Bradley Company; 21Dec76: A883814.

A883815. Vocabulary, intermediate; duplicating masters. No. 7597. Author: John Pescosolido. 24 p. Appl. au: Hilton Bradley Company. Hilton Bradley Company; 21Dec76; A883815.

A883816. Spelling, advanced; duplicating masters. No. 7588. Author: John Pescosolido. 20 p. Appl. au: Hilton Bradley company. 3 Hilton Bradley Coapany; 21Dec76; AB83816.

A883817. Spelling, interaediate; duplicating masters. Ho. 7567. Author: John Pescosolido. 20 p. Appl. au: Hilton Bradley Company. Q Hilton Bradley Company; 21Dec76; A883817.

A883818. Band-aid surgery for permanent contraception. Britten by Trevor F. Batson. 12 p. 6 Gyu-Aids, Inc.; 5Aug77; A883818.

A883819. La Operacion band-aid para la con- tracepcion permanente. Britten by Trevor F. Batson. 12 p. e Gyn-Aids, Inc.; 5Aug77; A883819.

A883820. Band-aid surgery for permanent contraception using the Falope-Bing method. Britten by Trevor F. Batson. 12 p. Add. ti: Band-aid surgery using the Falope-Bing aethod. 6 Gyn-Aids, Inc.; 5Aug77; A883820.

A883821. Pet history- 22p. Databook Publishing Company, Inc. ; 9Aug77; A883821.

A883822. Surgery — on my master gland? A handbook for patients by Colleen Ann Coughlin Ehrenberq. 21 p. O Colleen Ehrenberg; 18JU177; A883822.

A883823. Bou to beat the deer lease racket and enioy good hunting. By Joseph Baiter Hahan. 49 p. Joseph B. Hahan; eAug77; A883823.

A883824. Let love come silently. By Graham House. 24 p. e Graham House; 30Dec76: Ae83824.

A883825. Products aanual. Vol. 1027. 10 p. e Sirtage, Inc.; 20Jul77; A883825.

A883826. Community compensation survey, 1977. 1 v. Hountain States Eaployers Council, Inc.; 11Hay77; A883826.

A883827. Think affirmative. Prepared by the Division of Technical Services, South Carolina State Human Affairs Commission. 5th print., 4th revision. 1 v. Appl. au: S.C. state Human Affairs Commission. 6 South Carolina State Human Affairs Commission: 7Jun77; A883827.

A883e28. Every number counts. Level 2. By Balph E. Kirkman £ C. B. Darrell, with dravings by H. T. Billiaas. 104 p. e Incentive Publications, Inc.; 1Aug77; A883828.

A883B29. Comprehension mastery. By Imogene Forte £ Hary Ann Pangle. 1 v. O Incentive Publications, Inc.; 1Aug77; A883829.

A883830. ^') Behavioral management of anxiety: a clinician's guide. Self-modification of anxiety: client instructions. By Harviu B. Goldfried. 2 v. BioHonitoring Applications, Inc.: 1Sep76; 4883830.

A883831. Understanding leasing and your "Engage-A-Car" program. 55 p. DAS Leasing Services, Inc. d.b.a. Engage-A-Car Services; 21Jul77; A883831.

A883832. Summary of revised and alternate benefit plans and specifications for competitive bid invitations for Bricklayers, Hasons and Plasterers Local Onion Number 5 Belfare Fund, Nevburgh, Hen lork. 20 p. NH: additional text. Handel Group, Inc.; 11Aag77; A883832.

A883833. Programmed reading and spelling. 1 v. Appl. au: Kenneth H. Craig, e Kenneth H. Craig; 15Jul77; 4883833.

4883834. Finding your roots; a self-instructional course on basic genealogical procedures. Britten by Donald Bjarnson £ Dianne G. Bjarnson, illustrated by David Harcyes. 2nd ed. 105 p. Hultigraphics, Inc.; 2Pet)77; A883834.

A883835. D.C. holiday detector. 2 p. Zoresco Electronics Corporation; 26Jul77; A883835.

A883836. Hikrotest thickness gage. 1 p. e Zorelco, Ltd.; 94ug77; 4883836.

A883837. Zorelco "2 in 1" thickness standards. 2 p. 6 Zorelco, Ltd. ; 9Aug77 (in notice: 1976); A883837.

A883838. These instruments available through: SCH Glidden Coatings and Sesins. 2 p. e Zorelco, Ltd.; 28Jul77; 4883838.

4883839. Pin hole detector. 2 p. Q Zormco Electronics Corporation; 26Jul77; 4883839.

4883840. Bagner. By Terence J. Haher. Sheets (126 p.) e Terence J. Haher; 29Jul77; 4883840.

A883841. Health administration: lavs, regulations and guidelines, inpatient services. Editor: Hark L. Kander. 899 p. Appl. au: National Health Publishing Corporation. NH: compilation, editorial comments £ index. 6 National Health Publishing Corporation; 9Aug77: Ae83841.

Ae83842. Service manual for Commercial Shearing, Inc. hydraulic pumps and motors. Issue no. 1-A, Hay 1977. 1 v. Add. ti: Federal Supply and Equipment Company, Inc. service manual; Service manual for happy pumps. 6 Federal Supply and Equipment Company, Inc.; 27Jun77; A883842.

A883843. SEC reporting reference manual. 1 v. Appl. states D.S. copyright is not claimed for any material prev. copyrighted by any other source. NH: editorial revision £ additional copy. Ernst and Ernst; 84ug77; A883843.

4883844. Nacogdoches County pedigrees. 127 p. 6 Nacogdoches Genealogical Society; 25JU177; A883844.

A883845. Are my songs too light and merry? Book 33. By Timmy Lee. sheets (4 p. ) 6 liamy

Lee; 29Jul77; A883845.


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