Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/419

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S887188 - A887231
JUL-DEC. 1977

4887188. Verdict: guilty as charged, leadville lustice, 1879-1886. By Sherriil Barford. Kit p. O sherriil Harford; 27Feb77; i887188.

1887189. Boa's hole cookiDg. By Buth V. Shuler. 133 p. Buth V. Shuler; 1SJul76; 4887189.

4887190. Han's cascade vest. Folder. O Cirrus a.a.d.o. Cirrus Industries, Inc.; 15Dec76: 4887190.

4887 191. Han's highland iacket. 2 folders. Cirrus a.a.d.o. cirrus Industries* Inc.; 5Jan77: 4887191.

4887192. Han's cascade vest — su pplenentary Jcit. Folder. O Cirrus a.a.d.o. cirrus Industries, Inc.; 16Jan77: 4887192.

4887193. Parking enforcenent agent. Ezaaination no. 7010. 16 p. C Department of Personnel, city of New York; 6Aug77; 4887193.

4887194. Folklife calendar, 1977. 4ppl. au: Virginia Hae Hand, e Seattle Folklore Society: 28Jun77; 4887191.

4887195. NFL report '77: official National Football League television guide. Contributing writer: Jack Hand. 287 p. 4ppl. au: National Football League Properties, Inc. C National Football League Properties, Inc.; 15Jul77; 4867195.

4887196. Prolog; the official National Football League annual for 1977. Editorial director: John Biebusch £ other editors. 128 p. 4ppl. au: National Football League Properties, Inc. C National Football League Properties, Inc.; 15Jul77; 4887196.

4887197. Blackhauk Fills: Horld's greatest selection of things to shod. Bulletin 287. June-July 1977. 88 p. O Blackhaak FilBS, Inc.; 13Hay77: 4887197.

4887198. Toward a acre huaanistic approach to the segregation versus integration guestion. Britten by Hargaret Jean Hitchell. 23 p. e Hargaret J. Hitchell; 2Jun77; 4887198.

4887199. Student developmental task inventory: guidelines. By Judith S. Prince, Theodore K. Hiller 6 Boger B. Binston, Jr. 42 p. NH: pt. 2 6 4. Judith S. Prince, Theodore K. Hiller, Boger B. Binston, Jr. £ Student Developaent Associates: 1Hay77; 4887199.

4887200. Hister Goldenrod. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Elwood L. Eberhardt. O Elwood L. Eberhardt company; 20Jul77: 4887200.

4887201. Handbook of palmistry. By 4nnette Louise Hartin, illus. by Mellon Grimm £ Carol naioulet. 1 v. 4nnette Hartin; 3Jun77; 4887201.

4887202. Select security plus plan. Folder. Onited Eguity Life Insurance Company; 2Hay77; 4887202.

4887203. First class paymaster plan. Folder. Q United Equity Life Insurance Company; 2Hay77; 4887203.

4887204. Basic paymaster plan. Folder. O Onited Eguity Life Insurance Company; 2Hay77; 4887204.

4887205. Extra preferred plus plan. Folder. O Onited Eguity Life Insurance Company; 2Bay77; A887205.

4887206. C4LS handbook. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Hembers of Association. 6 Colorado Association of Legal Secretaries a.k.a. C4LS; 13Hay77; 48B72Q6.

4887207. Life history of. 15 p. 4ppl. au; T. Oelbert Nelson. O T. Delbert Nelson; 2Feb77: A887207.

4887208. North 4merican heating, ventilating, air coDditioning: home owners manual. 1 v. d North 4merican Heating and 4ir Conditioning Company; 1Jul77; 4887208.

4887209. For my patient comments on "check ups. " 1 p. 4pp au: Michael 4. Newman Michael 4. Newman; 15JU177; A887209.

4887210. New Madrid County, Hissouri newspaper abstracts, 1901-1913. Transcribed £ compiled by Mary M. Brown £ Fay Hedgepeth. 118 p. 4bstracts of items pub. in Ueekly record. New Madrid, SO. NH: abstracts. O Mary M. Brown 8 Fay Hedgepeth; 1Hay77; 4887210.

4887211. Equations of math, conversions and tricks for doing math. By Theodore C. Coskey. 1 v. O Theodore C. Coskey; 154pr77: 4887211.

4887212. Photocopying in libraries: the librarians speak. By Patricia Bhitestone. 112 p. 4ppl. au: Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc. Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc.; 20Jul77; 4887212.

4887213. K490, K495: aluminum anodes for cathodic protection in marine environments. 19 p. d Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corpo- ration; 25JU177; AB87213.

4887214. Hypague-Cysto: brand of diatrizoate meglumine injection, DSP, sterile aqueous solution for retrograde cystourethrog- raphy. Folder (3 p.) Appl. au: Binthrop Laboratories, division of Sterling Drug, Inc. Prev. reg. A434311. NM: revisions £ additions. Binthrop Laboratories; lJul77: 4887214.

4887215. The U.S. greeting cards market, an economic- marketing-financial investi- gation: a Morton report, June 1977. Prepared by J. L. Seltzer. 83 p. Appl. au: Morton Research Corporation. Horton aesearch Corporation; 30Jun77; A887215.

4887216. Sunday school certificate, and other titles. Sheets. Add. ti: Burqe Publishing Company. Appl. au: Harry Burgc. NB: certificates (academic £ sporting) Harry Burge; 30Dec76 (in notice: 1975); 1887216.

A887217 America’s positive approach to success and happiness! By 41 Hudson. 1 p. O 41 Hudson; 1Jul77; 4887217.

4887 218. Bhat is fun? Britten by Barbara S. Borth, photography/design by Julie LaFair Miller. 30 p. O Barbara S. Borth £ Julie L. Hiller; 21Jun77; 4887218.

1887219. Beaving on simple looms. By Louise Chandler Green £ Deborah Bedding. 55 p. Greentree Banch Uools; 11May77: 1887219.

1887220. Bay area restaurcint and travel guide. 1977-78 ed. 65 p. O Bay Area Eapid Transit District a.k.a. BAST; 28Apr77; A88722a.

1887221. Bhoda Shoemaker's Price guide for Hadame llezander dolls. 2nd ed. 44 p. Bhoda Shoemaker: IJun77: 1887221.

1887222. How to sell small acreage for more money and enjoy it; ten rules that will work foe you. By Palmer H. Smith. 1 v. O Smith's; 23Bar77; A887222.

A887223. New ways to better marriages. By Elizabeth Ogg. 28 p. (Public Affairs pamphlet, no. 547) O Public Affairs Committee, Inc.; 22Jun77; 4887223.

A887224. Sun-Eye light converter by Sav-i-Plant; complete light guide for hundreds of plants. 36 p. Appl. au: Peter Boolf. NH: additional tent £ compilation. e Peter Boolf, Ltd.; 1Nov76; 1887224.

A887225. Combination IHI plant light and water tester; a guide for hundreds of popular plants and vegetables. Compiled for IMI Medical Electronics, Inc. by Peter Boolf. 48 p. NH: additional teit £ compilation. O Peter Boolf. Ltd.; 5Jul77; 1887225.

1887226. Complete watering guide for the Sav-1-Plant soil moisture tester; your guide to healthy plants. Britten by Peter Boolf. 33 p. NH: additional teict £ compilation. O Peter Boolf, Ltd.; lJun76; 1887226.

A887227. Light and water guide for hundreds of plants and vegetables. 51 p. Ippl. au: Peter Boolf. NH: additional text £ compilation. Peter Boolf, Ltd.; 1Jun76; 1887227.

1887228. Silent love. By Doris Smith Craddock. 22 p. Doris Smith Craddock; 41ug77; 1887 22 8.

1887229. Bho's who: Pennsylvania foreign language students. 1 v. ippl. au: Charles Tichy. Department of Hodern Languages and Cultures (in notice: Department of Hodern Languages and Cultures, Slippery Bock State College) ; 29Jul77; 1887229.

1887230. Vade mecum. By Victor Schmidt. 1 v. English only. 2 poems prev. pub. in Poet lore £ Hinotaur. Victor Schmidt; 121uq77; 1887230.

1887231. Quien sabe! Por Gonzalo Benjamin Cuni y Valera. 79 p. Gonzalo Cuni; 14Jal77;



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