Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/420

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S887232 - 4887276
JUL-DEC. 1977

A887232. A Love letter to my childrens' children reqardinq the human machine. Folder. Appl. an: Julian T. crandall. © Julian I. Crandall; 12ftuq77; A887232.

A887233. 1977 medical serials in microform. 1978. 135 p. Appl. au; University nicrofilms International. @ Xerox Corporation; 18Jun77: A887233.

A88723I1. 1977 leqal serials in microform, 1978. 97 p. Appl. au: Bniversity nicrofilms International. 6 Xerox Corporation; 18Jun77; A887231t.

A887235. 1977 serials in microform, 1978. 952 p. Appl. au; aniversity Microfilms Inter- national. 6 Xerox Corporation; 18Jun77; A887235.

A887236. Uorld aromatics and derivatives, 19711-1980. 1976 ed. 195 p. 9 Stanford Research Institute: 22Jun77: A887236.

A887237. Haterials for the study of the history, method and process of the lav. Compiled £ edited by Francis H. Heller 6 Frank B. Stronq. 526 p. MM: additions & editinq. e Francis H. Heller & Frank B. Stronq: 10Auq77: A887237.

A887238. cue Corporation installation quide. Ed. 2. 1 V. e CMC corporation; 16Auq76; A887238.

A887239. Tell me about death, mommy. By Janette Klopfenstein, introd. by J. Lome Peachey. 110 p. e Herald Press; 16Jul77; A887239.

AB87240. Free career trainlnq. Folder. Appl. au: Paul B. Bisher 2nd. @ Paul H. Bisher 2nd: 7jun77; A8872110.

A887241. Group Studies, Inc., 1967/1977. 21 p. Appl. au: Hary L. Lynch. 6 Group Studies, Inc.: 29Jun77: A8872141.

A887242. Baby footprints. 1 v. NH: artwork & revisions. € Gospel Publishinq Bouse; 28Mar77 (in notice: 1973, 1976); A8872a2.

A8872I13. Stale food versus fresh food; a new dietary discovery. By Bobert S. Ford. 6th ed. 18 p. e R. S. Ford: 1011ar77: A887213.

A88721tll. God needs stronq men. By D. L. Holbrook. 78 p. Appl. au: Becky Holbrook. e D. L. 6 Becky Holbrook; 9Apr77; A887241t.

A887215. "Self service for better livinq": aid for the handicapped. By Charles Behns. 39 p. O Charles Behns; 11JU177: A8872<15.

4887216. More footprints in the snow. By Josephine Irby Lester. 21 p. © Josephine Irby Lester: 5Jul77; A887216.

A887217. Please rise! delinquent and dependent children, a community responsibility. By Mozelle Billiard. 201 p. © Mozelle Billiard; 8Jul77: A887217.

A887218. Janiculum juke box. By Stephanie Miller. 1 V. 8 Stephanie Miller; 1Apr77; A887218.

A887219. How to use leftovers deliciously! By Jessie H- Straus. 30 p. (9 Spring Day Press; 1Jul77; A887219.

A887250. Star poems. 6 p. Appl. au: Donald Everette Hansbrough. © Donald Everette Hansbrpuqh; 270ct76; A887250.

4887251. Eemembrances of an early Daytona childhood. By Maria Davidson Pope. 26 p. © Maria M. Clifton; 22Jun77; 4887251.

A887252. Written contributions of selected accountinq practitioners. Vol. 1: Ralph S. Johns. 383 p. © Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois; 22Feb77 (in notice: 1976); A887252.

A887253. The Quill, Akron Manuscript Club, 1976-1977. 80 p. Appl. au: Evien G. Beaudry e Buth I. Simon. © Akron Manuscript Club; 3Apr77; A887253.

A887251. In praise of shadows. By Jun'ichiro Tanizaki, translated by Thomas J. Harper fi Edward G, Seidensticker, foreword by Charles Moore, afterword by Thomas J. Harper. 18 p. MM: four-fifths of the translation, the foreword & afterword; a Leete's Island Books, Inc.; 29Jul77; 4887251.

4887255. Don't whisper, shout! the house of Davisson story. 59 p. Appl. au: Harold Davisson. © Harold Davisson; 1Jul77; A887255.

A887256. 41-Huslima. Vol. 1, no. 3. Editor: Amina Hassan. 25 p. Enqlish £ Arabic. Appl. states all new except 1 article which was prev. pub. © Al-Muslima: 7Hay77: A887256.

4887257. Operation manual for Dickson recording instruments. 25 p. NM; revisions e additions. © The Dickson Company, a division of Soiltest, Inc.; 19May77; 4887257.

A887258. Blue-print for livinq: devotional exercises on the Lord's Prayer. By Francis Raymond Line & Helen E. Line, all photos, by Helen E. Line. 96 p. © The Opper Boom; 12Jul77; A887258.

A887259. Christian climbers. By Uinifred G. Walker. 61 p. © The Upper Room; 24ug77; 4887259.

4887260. Submarine stories. By Grover S. McLeod. 273 p. © Grover S. McLeod; 26Jul77; 4887260.

A887261. A Primer of Christian doctrine. By E. C. Crouch. 90 p. Add. ti: A Primer of Christian doctrines. E. C. Crouch; 3Jan77; A887261.

A887262. Vegetarian variations. By Mimi Wilson (Margaret Powell Wilson) , art: Janet Louise Farrell. 86 p. © on art; Janet Farrell; 11Apr77: 4887262.

4887263. Vegetarian variations. By Mimi Wilson (Mildred Powell Wilson), art: Janet Farrell. 86 p. © Mimi Wilson; 11Apr77; A887263.

A887261. Caring for your new baby, by Paul N. Tschetter. Practical solutions to pediatric problems, by David C. Hall. 30 p. © Hall, surname of David C. Hall & Tschetter, surname of Paul N. Tschetter; 1Mar77; 4887261.

4887265. 4nd time goes by. Card. 4ppl. au: Billie Doris Blevins (Billie Blevins) © Billie Blevins; 1Jun77; 4887265.

A887266. Current 35mm practice. Suppl. no. 1. Sheets. Appl. au: William Broecker. NM: additions & revisions. © Morgan and Morgan, Inc.; 1Jun77; A887266.

A887267. The Collaborative process as used in the original developmental production of Baisin' Jason in relation to acting, directing, playwrighting, and design; an exercise in total cast involvement. By Jonathan Alton Lutz. 261 p. © Jonathan Alton Lutz; 12Aug77; A887267.

A887268. EBA — women's lib; what effect will it have on your life? By Bon Brotherton. 23 p. © William c. Johnson, Inc. (R. C. J., Inc. is a generally known alternate designation) ; 26Aug75; A887268.

A887269. Krizbit rules. Folder. Appl. au; Allen Carlisle. © Allen Carlisle d.b. a. Carlack Enterprises; 7Jun77; A887269.

A887270. Fore golfers only. Issued by Golf Services Information. 1 v. Appl. au; Patrick T. Vincelli, Norman L. Mattson £ Joseph E. McGregor. Patrick T. Vincelli, Norman L. Mattson & Joseph E. McGregor (in notice: vincelli, Mattson, McGregor) ; 23Apr77; A887270.

4887271. Hedeco Security Locks key cutting code. 99 p. © Medeco Security Locks, Inc. ; 10ct70; A887271.

4887272. Social Security planning is the key to receiving full value. Folder. UM: revision. © The National Ondcrwriter Company; 22Jun77; 4887272.

A887273. The Way of the cross for congregation use. Bevised by Jeremy Harrington. 28 p. Modeled on the traditional Franciscan method as originally arr. Baldwin Schulte. NH: illus. £ revisions. Saint Anthony Messenger Press; 29Jan76; A887 273.

4887271. Santa's coming, w 6 m Joy S. Holiday, pseud, of Loyd C. Frederiksen. Folder. 4dd. ti: Merry Christmas, one and all. NM: additions £ revisions. © Loyd C- Frederiksen £ 4deline Frederiksen; 25May77; 4887271.

A887275. System your daily log book, June 1977- 1 V. Fred B. Estabrook Company, Inc. ; 94pr77: 4887275.

4887276. On your behalf. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Ronald E. Hosher (Belevant Truth) Photos, prev. appeared in Present truth magazine.

© Relevant Truth; 28Apr77: A887276.


These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.