Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/597

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A8941478 - 48911519
JUL-DEC. 1977

48941478. Beautr fron the inside out! By Barbara JohnstOD, pseud, of Barbara Creaturo. 139 p. Appl. au: Eric Ueber. Portions prev- pub. under the title Hov to look fabulous at forty! NH: editorial revision & additional text. C Synphony Press* Inc. ; 234uq77: 48941478.

489U1I79. Beqional history; a story about people. By Leon D. Cook, illustrated by Frank Janies £ Bosalie Van Beter. 83 p. O Leon D. Cook: 7Sep77: 4891479.

4894480. Freckles. By Gene Stratton-Porter, decorations by E. Stetson Crawford, cover desiqn by Eussell R. Jehs. 188 p. 4ppl- au: Tbe HuseuB Shop. NH: additional pictorial natter £ new cover. O The MuseuB Shop, a branch of the Indiana State HuseuB Society, Inc. (in notice: The Huseua Shop, Indiana state Huseua) : 234uq77: 4894480.

4894481. Gettinq the facts. Booklet L. By aichard 4. Boninq. 1 v. O Barnell Loft, Ltd.: 13Sep77: 4894481.

4894482. Draninq conclusions. Booklet G. By Richard 4. Boninq. 2nd ed. 1 v. Barnell Loft, Ltd.: 13Sep77; 48944B2.

4894483. Horklnq with sounds. Booklet G. By Richard 4. Boninq. 3rd ed. 1 v. O Barnell Loft, Ltd.; 13Sep77: 4894483.

4894484. Gettinq »itk facts. Booklet J. By Richard 4. Boninq. It. Barnell Loft, Ltd.; 13Sep77; 4894484.

489448S. Contract of sale. 2 p. Hone and Apartaent Builders 4ssociation of Metropolitan Dallas; 28Jul77: 4894485.

4894486. REH systeB startup for Q.S.4. insurance system, and other titles. 1 v. 4dd. ti: Insurance systea startup. 4ppl. au: Stephen t. Bradley, Jr. O Stephen V. Bradley, Jr.; 16Sep77; 4894486.

4894487. Insurance illustrations. 3 p. 4ppl. au: John T. Linton £ Stephen H. Bradley, Jr. O John T. Linton £ Stephen H. Bradley, Jr.; 15Sep77; 4894487.

4894488. Bope froq. Card. 4ppl. au: Maqalee Ford Bleckert. C H. Ford Bleckert; 2Sep77; 4894488.

4894489. 4 Tribute. 2 p. 4ppl. au: Rayaond 4rthuc Stanley. Bayaond 4rthuc Stanley; 14Sep77; 4894489.

4894490. Elvis leads the choir. 2 p. Appl. au: Bayaond 4rthur Stanley. O Rayaond 4cthuc Stanley: 14Sep77: 4894490.

4894491. ieavinq techniques: the beqinner*s quide to off-looa weavinq. Photoqraphy: 4ndreli HcKinney, illus. : 41eta Jenks. 31 p. 4ppl. au: Taurus Publications. Taurus Publications; 114uq77: 4894491.

4894492. 41ternatives for self-defeatinq behavior. By James 0. Hadley. 17 p. Jaaes 0. Badley; 2Sep77; 4894492.

4894493. Tvo and four eleaent C.B. quad antennas. By Donald R. Capehart. 1 v. 4dd. ti: Quad antennas for C.B. radio. Donald R. Capehart; 1Sep77; 4894493.

4894494. Business fiqhts back. By Laurence B. Kraus. 17 p. O Chaaber of Coaaerce of the United States; 34uq77; 4894494.

4894495. 4n laportant aessage for all of you brains. 9 p. 4ppl. au: John N. Hard. O John N. aacd; 14Sep77: 4894495.

4894496. Supreae Svinq Club, Tulsa, oklahoaa. 1 V. 4ppl. au: Gerald H. Cria. O Gerald H. Cria; 13Sep77; 4894495.

4894497. Paths to instructional decisions: use of test data for the iaproveaent of instruction. 1 v. Appl. au: Charles Joseph Clock, Jr. O Charles J. Clock, Jr.; 27Jun77; 4894497.

4894498. Parabolic dish solar collector; asseably instructions £ additional solar information. 16 p. £ cutouts. 4ppl. au: Thomas D. Shaltry. Portions prev. pub. in Standard handbook for mechanical enqineers, seventh edition. NH: additional text £ illus. £ revisions. e Sunspo-t; 27Jun77; 489449B.

4894499. Insulating fitting safety and evaluation on pipelines (including insulating fitting test flow diaqraas) By Austin H. Rester. 19 p. 4ppl. au: State of Louisiana, Office of Conservation, Natural Resources and Energy Division. O State of Louisiana, Department of Conservation, Natural Resources ana Energy Division; 9Feb77; 4894499.

4894500. Class piano method for beginners. By Bosalyn K. Rosenthal. 30 p. e Bosalyn K. Rosenthal; 25Jui77: 4894500.

4894501. Prograaa general de estudios; educacion de adultos. By Jose-Higuel Ilundain £ Rene Curbelo. 45 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1967. BH: introd., reading curriculum, certificate, transcript 6 evaluation systea. Jose-Higuel Ilundain £ Bene Curbelo; 23Jul77; 4894501.

4894502. ay uonderful salvation. By Harvey 4. Childress. 38 p. O Uarvey 4. Childress: 1Jul77; 4894502.

4894503. Newspaper computerization. By Stephen B. Uaters. 85 p. Appl. au: American Newspaper Publishers Association Research Institute. d American Newspaper Publishers Association Research Institute; 1Jun77; 4894503.

4894504. Eros. Vol. 5, no. 1, 4piil 1977. Editor-in-chief: Terry Glenn Pence. 123 p. Department of Philosophy (in notice: Departaent of Philosophy, Purdue Oniversity) ; 154pr77; 4894504.

4894505. Retailing internship journal. By Hilton L. Shuch. 114 p. Appl. au: Simmons College. O The President and Corporation, Simmons college; 15Jun77; 4894505.

4894506. Representing the abused and neglected child in Hassachusetts. Hritten by Barry L. Hintzer £ John P. Casaly. 84 p. Appl. au: Office for children. SB: additions. Office for Children (in notice: Coaaonwealth of Hassachusetts, Office for Children) ; 16Jia77; 4894506.

A894507. Excuse me, did you say bored? -53 p. Appl. au: E. G. C. Evans (Darvolle) , whose pseud, is Darvolle. E. G. C. Evans (Darvolle), whose pseud, is Darvolle; 7Sep77: 4894507.

4894508. The~ Marriage sequel: a collection of feelings. By iilliaa Franklin Bacon. 1 V. Uilliam Franklin (Bill) Bacon; 11Jul77; 4694508.

4894509. Sports bonanza game. 12 p. Appl. au: Joseph G. Caaaarata. O Joseph G. Caaaarata; 11Aug77: A894Sa9.

A894510. Posturcheck Orthopedic Products catalog. 32 p. Appl. au: Jerome B. iax. NM: text £ pictorial matter, compilation £ editorial revisions. O Posturcheck Orthopedic Products; 28Apr77; A894510.

A894511. Interlibrary lending and photocopy in Great Britain and the U.S. on a national basis. By Duane Edward Crawford. 38 p. Crawford Publishers; 2eMar77; 4894511.

4894512. Series 53: Detroit Diesel engines; service aanual replacement page release. Manual 6SE202, release no. 57, Dec. 1976. sheets. 4ppl. au: General Motors corporation. Detroit Diesel 411isoD Division, General Motors Corporation (in notice: General Motors Corporation) ; 25Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4894512.

4894513. The Magic pear. By Morgan J. Sweeney, pseud, of the staff of the Hart Publishing Company. 31 p. 4ppl. au: Hart Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire. NM: pref. Hart Publishing Company, Inc.; 124ug77; 4894513.

4894514. Sing a song of sixpence. Illustrated by Randolph Caldecott. 30 p. 4ppl. au: Nancy Goldberg. NM: pref. Hart Publishing Company, Inc.; 124ug77; A894514.

A894515. Finger plays for nursery and kinder- garten. By Emilie Poulsson, m Cornelia C. Roeske. 80 p. Appl. au: Beatrice 0. Bart. NM: pref. O Hart Publishing company. Inc.; 1Jul77; A894515.

A894516. lankee Doodle. 24 p. Appl. au: Kancy Goldberg. NM: introd. Hart Publishing Company, Inc.; 224ug77; 4894516.

4894517. History of Opper 4rlington; a suburb of Columbus, Ohio. Coapiled by the History Coaaittee of the City of Opper Arlington Bicentennial Comaittee, editor: Marjorie Garvin Sayers & others. 337 p. Opper 4riington Historical Society; 1Sep77; 4694517.

4894518. 4 Hidening sphere: changing roles of Victorian women. Edited by Martha Vicinus. 326 p. Chap. 9 prev. pub. in The University of Newcastle Historical Journal, no. 2, 1974. NM: introd., chap. 1-8 6 10, notes, index £ revision of chap. 9. C Indiana Oniversity Press; 25Jul77; 4894518.

4894519. The Emerging field of sociobibliography:

the collected essays of Use Bry. Edited


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