Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/598

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A89lt519 (con.) 5 compiled by lois ifflerbach 6 Harga Fracclc. 251 p. NH: foreiiord. pref . , intirad. , index £ about the editors. 6 Lois Afflecbach £ Marga Fraack; 23llay77; 4891(519.

4894520. Diets, caiture aedia, food supplenents. 61(5 p. (cac handbook series in nutrition and food, section G, vol. 1) Add. ti: Handbook series in nutrition and food, section G: diets, culture nedia and food supplements. CBC Press. Inc.; 2eAug77: A89«520.

A89I1521. Henry Harford: last proprietor of Maryland. By Vera F. Bollo, nith a forevord by Morris L. Eadoff. 236 p. e »era F. Bollo; 10Apr77 (in notice 1976); 4894521.

A89lt522. Beckett's Happy days: a manuscript study. By Stanley E. Gcntarski. 86 p. Ohio State Oniyersity Libraries Publications Committee; 1Jul77: 4894522.

A894523. Scott standard postage stamp catalogue. 1978. Vol. 2: European countries and colonies, independent nations of Africa, Asia, Latin America, A-F. Editor- in-chief: James B. Hatcher S other editors. 134th ed. 884 p. e Scott Publishing Company: 1Aug77: A894523.

4894524. 4nqeyine genealogy; descendants of Zachariah and Pierre 4ngevine, 1690-1976 in 4merica. compiled by Clyde V. Angevine. 399 p. G Clyde V. Angevine; 224ug77; 4894524.

4894525. Colonization on the Little Colorado: the Joseph City region. By George S. Tanner & J. Harris Bichards. .200 p. George Tanner: 30Jun77; A894525.

A89452e. Hy life uith Lois. 434 p. Appl. au: Timothy D. Ellis. O Timothy D. Ellis; 8Jul77: 4894526.

4894527. Stories of traditional Navajo life and culture. By tventy-two Vavaio men & Homen, editor: Broderick H. Johnson, illustrators: Baymond Johnson & Hoke Denetsosie. 335 p. 3 Havajo Community College Press; 5Jul77: 4894527.

4894528. Life Hith Lindsay and Crouse, and other titles. 2 y. (Today's nonfiction best sellers) HM: compilation £ condensation. The Reader's Digest 4ssociation. Inc.; 14ug77: 4894528.

4894529. The SaKdust stove. By Billiaa P. Khite. 8 p. William P. Hhite (Bill Hhite) ; 26Aug77; A894529.

A894530. Mini-fryer cookery. By Barbara Methven, pseud, of Barbara DeCosse. 96 p. Frev. reg. A780074. MM: additions 6 revisions. O Publication Arts. Inc. ; 26Aug77; A394530.

A894531. Hide-a-well. 1 p. Appl. au: John B. Lukens. C John R. Lukens; 25Aug77; A894531.

A894S32. What you should knov before starting or buying your own business. 1 p. Appl. au: Frank B. Schmerge (Research Systems, FDSJ .

4894533. Linguistry, a science of language: a proposal. By Paul V. Dixon, Arthur A. Sagle £ Lanny B. North. 40 p. Paul M. Dixon; 15Jun77; A894533.

A894534. Correspondence: step-by-step for beginners in genealogy. 6 p. (Kin Hay key, no. 4) 6 Kin Hay Keys, Inc.; 29JU177; A894534.

A894535. Polish family research. By J. Konrad, pseud, of J. B. Koesterer. 56 p. summit Publications; 15Aug77; A894535.

A894536. Mirages of memory: 200 years of Indiana art. Vol. 1. 142 p. Appl. au: Marilyn Seed Holscher fi Art Gallery, Oniversity of Notre Dame. S Art Gallery, Oniversity of Notre Dame (in notice; University of Notre Dame) ; 17Aug77; 4894536.

4894537. Borks on paper: 4merican art. 1945-1975. 87 p. 4ppl. au: Rosalind Krauss £ Museum of 4rt. Washington State Oniversity. 3 Washington Art Consortium; 6Jan77; A894537.

A894538. MSD shadous, iiinter term, 1977. By Gordon P. Carleton. 1 v. 3 Gordon B. Carleton; 5Jan77; 4894538.

4894539. MSO shadows, spring term, 1977. By Gordon B. Carleton. 1 v. Q Gordon B. Carleton; 30Mar77; 4834539.

A894540. Equitation work book. 1 v. Appl. au: Horace 4. Franklin. © Horace 4. Franklin; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4894540.

4894541. Hi-flo 5 softener service manual. 24 p. 4ppl. au: John F. McCabe. 6 Culligan International Company; 1Jul77; 4894541.

4894542. 4qua-cleer reverse osmosis drinking water system console model 4CD-B; installation and operating instructions. 16 p. Appl. au: Eugene B. Elliott. O Culligan International Company; 14ug77; 4894542.

4894543. Culligan 4gua-Cleer reverse osmosis drinking water systems; console models 4CD-CB and 4CD-HCB installation and operating instructions. 20 p. 4ppl. au: Willis F. Hartreader. O Culligan International Company: 1Aug77; 4894543.

A894544. Activity idea bank. Edited by Sharon Acne Rucinski. 96 p. O Sharon Anne Kucinski; 15Aug77: A894544.

A894545. Trees for New York City. Prepared by the New York Department of City Planning in co-operation with the New York -Botanical Garden. 27 p. 3 Department of City Planning, City of New York; 12Aug77; A894545.

A894546. Fashion folio. Christian Dior, Hart Schaffner and Marx, fall 1977. 80 p. Appl. au: Hart Schaffner and Marx. 3 Hart Services, Inc.; 22Jul77; 4894546.

4894547. Society Brand, Ltd., the international clothing company, fall-winter, 1977 in-stock service. 18 p. 4ppl. au: Hart Schaffner and Marx. 3 Hart Services. Inc.; 314ug77; A894547.

A894548. Actuators and accessories; control valve study series. By Jerry L. Lyons. 53 p- (ISA audio cassette study package on control values, topic 5) Appl. au: Instrument Society of America. Q Instrument Society of America. ; 124ug77; 4894548.

4894549. Hospital instrumentation care and servicing for critical care units. Edited by Robert B. Spooner. 188 p. Appl. au: Instrument Society of America. 8 Instrument Society of America; 21Jul77; A894549.

A894550. In the Supreme Court of the State of Hawaii, October term, 1976. No. 6529. 1 V. Appl. au: Janice Chlng Tee. NM: additional text, abridgment, compilation £ editorial revisions. 3 Janice Ching Yee; 22Aug77; 4894550.

4894551. 4 Women's calendar, 1978. Photography: Jan Michelle Sawyer, text: Ellen 41ford, graphics: Carla Bio. 4ppl. au: Carla Bunyard. 3 Jan Michelle Sawyer; 294ug77: 4894551.

4894552. Third year master instruction manual for the Pony express stewardship plan. By Don English. 1 v. Prev. pub. as The Master instruction manual for the Pony Express stewardship plan. NM: revision. 3 Don English; 15Jul77; 4894552.

4894553. English 1 manual for students in self-paced sections. By Thomas H. Miles. 32 p. 3 Thomas H. Miles; 24Aug77; A894553.

A894554. Ownership America. Inc. presents to. certificate. 1 p. 3 Ownership America, Inc. ; 22Aug77: A894554.

A894555. The Seed of self-improvement. Folder. (The Better-work supervisor, July 18. 1977) 3 Clemprint, Inc.; 18Jul77; A894555.

A894556. Norman Ford's Florida. By Norman D. Ford. 18th ed. 159 p. 3 Harian Publications; 26JU177; A894556.

A894557. Bladen County. North Carolina abstract of deeds. Vol. 1. 77 p. Appl. au: Wanda Suggs Campbell. 3 Wanda Suggs Campbell; 1Sep77; A894557.

A894558. Love is: November 13, 1977. By Frank Lee. 1 p. Appl. au: Liguori Publi- cations. 3 Liguori Publications; 314ug77; A894558.

A894559. The Last white violet. By Paul Harrington. 9 p. 6 Paul Harrington; 60ct76: A894559.

A894560. Programa de planif icacion familiar, ficha de admision. 2 p. 3 IFRP a.a.d. for the International Fertility Research Program; 1Uug77; 4894560.

4894561. The Art of thinking; or. The 4BC's of logic. Pt. 1-2. By 4rthur D. Fearon. 2

V. Appl. au: Arthur D. Fearon d.b.a.


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