Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/661

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A897025 - A897064
JUL-DEC. 1977

A897025. Canper cookery. By Bicbard Bock, ilius. by Jan 0pp. 176 p. O Bichard Bock; 22Sep77: AB97025.

A897026. Galley guide to fine food. By Bichard Bock, illus. by Jan Upp. 176 p. NH: adapted intcod. e, 22 Den illus. Eichacd Bock: 22Sep77: 4897026.

A897027. Seryice control systen for Continental Telephone of Vicqiuia, Manassas, Dale City, chancellor service areas. 1 v. Add. ti: Hapcoa SCS llanassas, Virqinia, Continental Telephone of Virginia. HapcoB SysteBS, Inc.; 16Sep77; A897027.

A097028. Copper Basin area* TN, telephone directory, October 1977. O South Central Bell Telephone Coipany; 16Sep77; 4897026.

A897029. New Boads, LA, Horqanza, Bouqon and others telephone directory, October 1977. South Central Bell Telephone Coapany; 1«Sep77: A897029.

A897030. Bayville, LA, Delhi, Epps, Oak Grove, telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. South Central Bell Telephone Coapany: 12Sep77: A897030.

AB97031. Lyaan, SC, folloninq the yellow pages — Blue fiidqe, Greer, Spartanburg telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 19Sep77; A897031.

A897032. Onion* Jonesville, following the yellow pages — Pacolet, Lockhart, SC, telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 19Sep77; A897032.

A897033. Mount Olive also listinqs of Goldsboro, Dudley, Granthaa, NC, telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 21Sep77; A897033.

A89703l». Selaa, Pine Level also listinqs of Princeton, Saithfield, NC, telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 21Sep77: A89703i».

A897035. Goldsboro. Dudley, Granthaa. NC, and others telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. C Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 22Sep77; A897035.

A897036. The Way of the world; workbook. Level 10. By Eldonna L. Evertts, Bernard J. lieiss e Loreli Olson Steuer. 110 p. NH: new exercises, text t, illus. C Holt. Binehart and Vinston; 3Jan77; A897036.

A897037. Tiae to wonder; workbook, teacher's ed. Level 13. By Bernard J. ieiss C Loreli Olson Steuer. 126 p. NH: new exercises, text 6 illus. C Holt, Binehart and ainston; 3Jan77; A897037.

A897038. Books and gaaes, Bhyaes and tales. Pets and people. Can you iaaqine? Vorkbook, teacher's ed. Levels 3-6. By Eldonna L. Evertts, Bernard J. Ieiss, Natalie K. Stroh e Loreli Olson Steaec, illustrated by Toa Leigh. 110 p. NH: new exercises.

A897039. 3790 coBBunication systea host systea proqraaaer's guide (version 6) 1 v. (IBH technical newsletter, no. GS31-0651) NS: revisions 6 additions to update. International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corportion; 27JU177; A897039.

A897ai|0. IBM 3601 finance coamuuication controller aaintenance inforaation. 3rd ed. Sheets. Q International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 9Auq77; A8970«0.

A8970lt1. 7841 textile color analyzer aodel 2 (serial uuabers 120119 and below) aaintenance analysis procedures (HAPs) 1 V- (IBM aaintenance library) C In- ternational Business Machines corporation a.a.d.: IBM corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Cor- poration) ; 2«Jan77; A8970U1.

A8970lt2. IBM systeB/32 aanageaeot systen for law firas runbook; prograa no. 5725-F52. 1 v. (Industry application prograa) e International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 31Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; A8970H2.

A8970lt3. 73140 fila thickness analyzer (serial nuabers 10050 and above) 78111 textile color analyzer aodel 2 (serial nuabers 12050 and above) 78U2 color analyzer 2, aaintenance analysis procedures (HAPs) 1 V. (IBM aaintenance library) International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Cor- poration) ; 30Jun77; Ab970'*3.

A8970U4. Eleaentary algebra, part 2, new edition; solution key. By fiicbard A. Denhola, Bobert G. Onderhill t, Mary P. Oolciani. 210 p. e Houqhton Bitflin Coapany; 11Aug77; 1897011U.

A897045. Coaaunicatiog: a social and career focus; handbook of instructional options. By Boy M. Berko, Darlyn B. liolvin e Andrew D. Uolvin. 173 p. Add. ti: Handbook of instructional options, Comaunicating: a social and career focus. Q Houghton Mifflin Coapany; 3Jan77; A8970U5.

A8970it6. SacLll business aanageaent: a guide to entrepreneurship; instructor's aanual. By Nicholas C. Siropolis. 175 p. C Houghton Mifflin Coapany; 28Feb77; A897046.

A8970I47. International aarket indices, week ending Septeaber 16, 1977. 18 p. Appl. au: Malvin B. Boesch t, Bobert P. Sanna. Quantitative Analysis Service; 19Sep77; A8970U7.

A8970U8. Meekly charts, week endinq Septeaber 27, 1977. Pull key list suaaary, aonth ending August 31, 1977, week endinq Septeaber 27, 1977. 2 V. Appl. au: Malvin B. Boesch S Bobert P. Sanna. Quantitative Analysis Service; 28Sep77; A8970I48.

A89701t9. Craaer 1978/79 buyers' guide. 784 p. O Howard I. Saas and Coapany, Inc. ; 8Sep77; A8970U9.

A897050. Counter facts replacement data service, 9-1-77. Microfiche t sheets. Howard U. Saas and Coapany. Inc.; 23Sep77; A897050.

A897051. Burroughs USOO thru B 2500 systea handbook. Sheets. Prev. reg. A662138 £ others. NH: revisions. C Burroughs Corporation: 2Auq77; A897051.

A897052. BUIS adaissions and reservations terainal operator's nanual; preliainaiy ed. Vol. 2. 1 V. Burroughs Cor- poration; 9Aug77; A897052.

A897053. Test data generator user's aanual. 1 v. Burroughs Corporation; 22Mar77; A897053.

A897054. TA series data sets illustrated parts catalog. 1 v. Prev. reg. A765770. NM: revisions. O Burroughs Corporation; 23Auq77; A897051t.

A897055. S1000 data capture, transmission and docuaent encoding systeBS technical manual. Vol. 2: illustrated parts cataloq. 64 p. Prev. pub. Dec. 1975. NH: additions. Burroughs Corporation; 19Auq77; A897055.

A897056. TB 101 series prograa operating instructions. 13 p. 6 Burroughs Corporation; 19Aug77; A897056.

A897057. Production control systea (PCS 1) aaterial requireaents planning aodule capabilities aanual. 1 v. Q Burroughs Corporation; 19Aug77; A897057.

A897058. BHIPS on-line order entry combined terainal operator's, user's and reference aanual. 1 v. Prev. reg. A710624. NH: additions C revisions. C burroughs Corporation; 12Aug77; 4897058.

A897059. B 1800/B 1700 systeas system software operational guide. 1 v, Prev. reg. A728871 e others. NH: additions. 6 Burroughs Corporation; 15Aug77; A897059.

A897060. Vance Havner: journey froa Jugtown. A biography by Douglas Halcola Bhite. 192 p. O Douglas H. Bhite; 19Sep77: A897060.

A897061. Power for living; discover your God-given inner strengths. By Daniel C. Steere. 158 p. O Daniel C. Steere; 19Sep77; A897061.

A897062. Martha's aad day. By Miranda Hapgood, pictures by Eaily Arnold McCully. 1 v. O on text; Miranda Hapgood; 15Aug77; A897062.

A897063. Martha's aad day. By Miranda Hapgood, pictures by Eaily Arnold HcCully. 1 v. O on illus.; tmily McCully; 154ug77; A897063.

A897064. John Billis" Screen world. Vol. 28, 1977. 255 p. O John Billis; 30Aug77;



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