Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/662

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A897065 - A897106
JUL-DEC. 1977

A897065. The Trial of Frank Janes for murder; Mith confessions of Dick Liddil and Clarence Hite and history of the "Jajaes Ganq". Introd. by Janes D. Horao. 318 p. MH: compilation & new foreword. Q James D. Horan; 31Aoq77; A897065.

A897066. Life of Tom Horn: qovernment scout and interpreter; a vindication. Written by himself together with his letters and statements by his friends. Kith an introd. by James D. Horan. 317 p. HM: com- pilation fi new foreword. @ James D. Horan; 31Auq77: A897066.

A897067. The Dalton Brothers and their astounding career of crime. By an eye witness, with an introd. by James D. Horan. 220 p. KM: compilation C new foreword. © James D. Horan: 31Auq77: A897067.

A897068. Reincarnation: the phoenix fire mystery. Compiled 6 edited by Joseph Head, pseud, of Joseph F. Pope 6 S. L. Cranston, pseud, of Anita Atkins. 620 p. DM: pref . , editors" note, compilation, new text* notes, acknowledgements G index. 3 Joseph Head 8 S. L. Cranston; 30Auq77: A897068.

A897069. Owl's new cards. By Xathryn F. Ernst, pictures by Diane De Groat. It. on text: Kathryn F. Ernst; 15ABg77; A897069.

A897070. Owl's new cards. By Kathryn F. Ernst, pictures by Diane De Groat. 1 v. © on illus; Diane De Groat; 15Auq77: A897070.

A897071. Don't get burned buying firewood. 12 p. Appl. au: Lloyd Eaton. Firewood Fuel Company: 15Sep77; A897071.

A897072. Callaway: a beautifully decorated home starts with a beautiful carpet by Callaway, the creative carpet people. Folder, e flilliken and Company; 8Sep77; A897072.

A897073. The Heirloom bonnet. 2 p. Appl. au; Anneline B. aaxwell (Ann) O Ann ttaxwell; 23Sep77; A897073.

A897074. The Oltinate deception! By Frank Caw. 106 p. e Prank Caw; 19»uq77; A897074.

A897075. PI-8/PI-8A automatic pair identifier system; operator's handbook. 15 p. NH: revisions. 6 Automation Products Company (in notice; Automation Products Company, division of APC Industries, Inc. ) ; 15Sep77: i897075.

A897076. The UFA insurance farm almanac for 1978. Edited by H. Judd Hyatt for the HFA Mutual Insurance Company. 43 p. Add. ti: Almanac 1978. Appl. au: MFA Mutual Insurance Company. 3 MFA Mutual Insurance Company; 14Sep77: 4897076.

A897077. The Psychology of puttinq. By Allan Markle. 37 p. e Honte Sano Press; 1Sep77; A897077.

A897078. apdate sheets to be inserted in Harrison's Florida statutes annotated rules, volume 30-33, 1975 revision. Folder 6 1 p. NH: updating. 9 The Harrison Company: 8Sep77; A897 078.

A897079. The God that rode with kings. Folder. Add. ti; Brochure; "the qod that rode with kings." d Bishop Museum; 17Aug77; A897079.

A897080. Sign of the mantis. By David T. Saunders. 59 p. David T. Saunders; 22Sep77; A897080.

A897081. Orientation in American English. Text 1. By Eugene J. Hall 6 Sandra Costinett, illustrated by Katherine Kahn. 108 p. NM; additions. O Institute of Modern Languages, Inc.; 21Sep77; A897081.

A897082. Orientation in American English. Text 2. By Eugene J. Hall, illustrated by Katherine Kahn. 59 p. NM: additions. d Institute of Modern Languages, Inc.; 21Sep77; A897082.

A897083. Police photography. By Sam J. Sansone. 203 p. Appl. au: Anderson Publishing Company NM: revised text, notes £ index. © Anderson Publishing Conpany; 1ilSep77; A897083.

A897081t. The Dental 1 training program. 78 p. © The Travelers Insurance company; 22Sep77; A897084.

A897085. Orientation to the Travelers dental insurance. 39 p. Add. ti: Orientation: dental insurance. S The Travelers Insurance company; 22Sep77; A897085-

A897086. Input. Ill p. Add. ti: PLCPS input. The travelers Insurance Company; 1Jul77; A897086.

A897087. CET. 37 p. Add. ti: PICPS CEI. The Travelers Insurance Company; 1Jul77; A897087.

A897088. High holy days: services. By David Ian Hopp. 68 p. e Institute of Creative Judaism; 8Aug77; A897088.

A897089. Auto Borld 1978 model cars. 30th ed. 117 p. Add. ti: Auto Borld 30th edition 1978 model cars. @ Auto aorld. Inc.; 21Sep77; A897089.

A897090. Aluma towers. No. ATF-2. By Aluma Tower Company. 2 p. Appl. au: Robert A. Main, Sr. 6 The Aluma Tower Company: 20Sep77: A897090.

1897091. Energy use and issues in California, iritten by Lois Ewen with the assistance of Sarah Benard, Mignon Bowen, Kenni Friedman, Euth Galanter, Judy Orttung, Diane Park, Cecilia Boss, Edith Spitzer 6 Lanie Hheeler. 16 p. Appl. au; League of Somen Voters of California. League of Somen Voters of California; 16Sep77; A897091.

A897092. Status report. No. 51, July 22, 1977. 2 p. Q Financial Accounting standards Board; 22Jul77; A897092.

A897093. Status report. No. 52, Aug. 21, 1977. Folder (1 p. ) 6 Financial Accounting Standards Board; 21Auq77; A897093.

A897091. The Land-grant movement and the development of academic libraries: some tentative explorations. By Edward G. Holley. 22 p. Q Texas A and M Oniversity libraries; 31Hay77; A897091.

A897095. Visualized Bible verses. Art by Marvin Espe. 1 p. £ folders. Appl. au: Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc. Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.; 3()Juq77; A897095.

A897096. Achieving "fifth grade math" as a second grader. Book 2, teacher's ed. By Everard Barrett. 235 p. Prev. pub. as Barrett's pedagogy and curriculum for computational facility, K-1 6 reg. A753579. NM: revisions 6 additional text. Everard Barrett; 15Sep77; A897096.

A897097. God's family. By Doris Seger. 1 v. (Daily bread for girls and boys, no. 15) Appl. au: Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc. Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.; 30Aua77; &897097.

Aa97098. Friends with God. By Terry iJackin. 1 V. (Daily bread for girls and boys, no. 17) Appl. au: Child Evangelism Fel- lowship, Inc. Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.; 30Aug77; A89709B.

A897099. God's ways in our world. By Phyllis Bobinson. 1 v. (Daily bread for girls and boys, no. 21) Appl. au: Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc. 6 Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.; 30Aug77; A897099.

A897100. Nisdom from God. By Eric Higgin. 1 v. (Daily bread for girls and boys, no. 19) Appl. au: child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc. e Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.; 30Aug77; A897100.

A897 101. Talking with God. By Bonnie Bobinson. 1 V. (Daily bread for girls and boys, no. 18) Appl. au: Child Evangelism Fel- lowship, Inc. Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.; 30Aug77; A897101.

A897102. Living in God's family. By Phyllis Bobinson. 1 v. (Daily bread for girls and boys, no. 16) Appl. au: Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc. Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc. ; 30Aug77; A^97 102.

A897103. Onderstanding my family. By Karen Schoenhals. 1 v. (Daily bread for girls and boys, no. 23) Appl. au: Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc. 6 Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.; 30Aug77; A897103.

A897101. God's rules for me. By Becky Phillips. 1 V. (Daily bread for girls and boys, no. 20) Appl. au: Child Evangelism Fel- lowship, Inc. O Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.; 30Aug77; A897101.

A897105. God's plan for me. By Kay Fauss. 1 v. (Daily bread for girls and boys, no. 21) Appl. au: Child Evangelxsm Fellowship, Inc. Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc.; 30Aug77; A897105.

A89710D. My body, God's house. By Beatrice Keur. 1 V. (Daily bread for girls and boys, no. 22) Appl. au: Child Evangelisn Fel- lowship, Inc. Child Evangelism

Fellowship, Inc.; 30Aug77; A897106.


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