Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/701

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JUL-DEC. 1977

1698661 (con.) Jaqua-HcKee* loc. Nfl: cevisioDS, abridqaeDts £ new aatenal. O Graybar Electric Conpany, Inc.; 10Jud77; 1896681.

1896682. 25 ski tours io the Uhite Douotaius. By Sally & Daniel Ford, photos, by the authors. 128 p. C Daoiel Ford t Sally rord: 16Sep7-/; 1898662.

1898663. Eternity an an hour. ^>i p. Ippl. au: Inthony F, Heller £ Lawrence D. LaCaille. O Rarco Polo's: iaiu(l77: 1898683.

1898684. 21 Puppies; restaurant aenu. Folder. RGH Gouraet, Inc.; 1Sep77: A8986e<l.

1896685. Hocey--we*re pregnant! By Henry Joseph Caruso. 1 V. O Henry Joseph Caruso; 28Sep77; 1698685.

1698686. ProBotion to district supervisor of school custodians. Exaaiaation no. 6566. in p. Departacnt of Personnel, City of Hev lork: 24Sep77; 1896666.

1896687. Housing firenan. Exaaination DO. 6019. 13 p. O Departaent of Personnel, City of Hew rorlt: 2IISep77; 1896667.

1896666. Sabbath observer test: proaotion to district supervisor of school custodians. Exaaination no. 6566. 1<4 p. O Departaent of Personnel. City of Hev York; 23Sep77: 1696688.

1698669. School custodian engineer. Exaaination no. 6046. Proaotion to school custodian engineer. Exaaination no. 6567. 14 p. Departaent of Personnel, City of Hew rork: 24Sep77: A898689.

A898690. School custodian engineer. Exaaination no. 6048. Proaotion to school custodian engineer. Exaaination no. 6567. 14 p. Departaent of Personnel, City of Hew lork; 2«Sep77; A896690.

A898691. The Nation's toughest drug Ian; evaluating the New York experience. Final report of The Joint Coaaittee on New 7ork Drug Law Evaluation. 162 p. NH: editorial revision. O The Association of the Bar of the City of New York; 13Sep77: 1896691.

A898692. The Dreaa aine: a study in Horaon folklore. »ol. 1-2. By Joe Stanley Grahaa. O Joe Stanley Grahaa: 2JSep77; 1698692.

1898693. Econoaic and Investaent observations: effective tax rates and the econoay. 7 p. O H. C. Rainwright and Coapany; 22Sep77: 1898693.

1896694. Spiegel holiday sale. 160 p. Spiegel, Inc.; 26Sep77; A698694.

A896695. Poeas of reflection. By Eugene L. Clark. 45 p. O Eugene L. Clark; 27Sep77: A898695.

A898696. Superior Specialty Coapany catalog-E. 215 p. O Superior Specialty Coapany; 1Sep72: A898696.

A69S697. After-life aadness. No. 3, Sept. 1977. By ^obn Hichael Solen. 1 5 p. O Bichael Bolen; 28Sep77; 1896697.

1698698. God can help; helpful hints for happy living. By L. C. Orrick. ISO p. O L. C. Orrick; 15Sep77: 1896696.

1696699. Spiritual gifts for a dynaaic church. By George Shala. 131 p. Hord Iflaae Press; 16Sep77; 1898699.

1698700. Ode to a feathered pine cone. By Jaaes Edward Laabton. 66 p. O Jaaes Edward Laabton; 16Sep77: 1898700.

1696701. Forgotten acres; or, Cochran spawning ground. Vol. 1-2. Coapiled by Hazel Clarkson. O Hazel Ciarkson; 11ug77 (in notice: 1976); 1898701.

1898702. Manic-depressive illness; history of a syndroae. Edited by Edward Alan Holpect. 604 p. NH: editorial revisions. O International Universities Press, Inc.; 27Sep77; A698702.

A89e703. Cell surface receptors; proceedings of the ICN-OCLA Conference held at Squaw yalley, California, March 2-7, 1975. Edited by Garth L. Nicolson 6 others. 520 p. fieprinted froa Journal of supra- aolecular structure, vol. 4. 1976. O Alan B. Liss, Inc.; 17May76; 1898703.

1898704. Developaental disabilities: psychologic and social iaplicatious; conference held at Baltiaore, Maryland, March 1-2, 1976. Editors: Daniel Bergsaa & others. 188 p. (Birth defects, original article series, vol. 12, no. 4, 1976) O The National Foundation; 15Dec76; 1898704.

A898705. Neonatal-perinatal aedicine; diseases of the fetus and infant. Edited by Bichard Elliot Behraan, associate editors: John M. Driscoll, Jr. C, A. Elaore Seeds. 2nd ed. 1010 p. O The C. V. Hosby Coapany: 21Sep77; A898705.

1898706. 200 ways of being a San Franciscan; a Bicentennial billet-doux coapiled during the year the city celebrated its 200th birthday. By Josephine Palaer, illus- trated by Harren I. Palaer. 1 v. Josephine Palaer; 26Sep77; A898706.

A898707. 1 Doctor discusses diabetes. By Lou Joseph in consultation with John J. Lynch. 120 p. C Budlong Press coapany; 22Sep77; 1898707.

1698708. Soae of yerua's verses. By Terna Clay Uaraon. 1 v. Veroa Clay Haraon; 23Sep77; 1898708.

A8967C9. Drafting the public sector labor agreeaent. By B. Theodore Clark, Jr. t Sandra P. Zeaa. 92 p. (Public eaployee relations library, 56) NH: p. 17-18, 86-92 6 revisions. O International Personnel Hanageaent Association; 15Sep77; 1696709.

1898710. Opportunities unliaited: a guide for Hisconsin school board aeabers. By Bichard A. Bossailier. 5th ed. 122 p. O Hisconsin Association of School Boards, Inc.; 24Aug77; A898710.

AB98711. Cherries and leaons; oi , How to buy a good used car for under 11,000. By Joseph L. Troise, illus. by the aaazing Toa Lyon. 52 p. O Joseph L. Troise (in notice: Joe Troise): 22Sep77; A898711.

1896712. Governaent and the aission of the churches; the problea of "integrated auxiliaries." By John N. Baker. 16 p. (Staff report, Sept. 1977) O Baptist Joint Coaaittee on Public Affairs; 29Sep77: A896712.

A8967I3. Jake; a story of happy years. By Jessie Parker Kendrick. 9 p. Jessie Packac Kendrlck; 28Sep77; A898713.

A898714. 1 Hilpero of Peten, Guateaala: autobiography and cultural analysis. By Noraan B. Schwartz. 141 p. O Noraan B. Schwartz; 19Sep77: 1698714.

1898715. Poet tree 2. By Lync Crawford. 23 p. Lynn Crawford; 26Sep77; A896715.

Ae98716. The International essays for business decision aakers, 1977. Edited by Mark B. Hinchester. 237 p. O The Center for International Business; 22Sep77; A698716.

A896717. Sudspots: collected facts and solar fiction. By Stephen C. Baer, illustrated by Criss-cross Irt lorkshop. 2nd ed. 146 p. The clothes line paradox prev. pub. in the NM sunpaper, 1975. O Zoaeworks Corporation; 23Mar77; 1898717.

1898716. Delaware woaen reaeabered. Edited by Mary Saa Uard, associate editors: Mary Louise Ponsell 6 Katherine Nard Saigie, photos, by Mary Erica Loewenstein. 162 p. The Chesapeake Bay Girl Scout Council, Inc.; 22JU177; A698718.

1696719. Harvard Business School cases: 5-577-177, 9-577-181. 2 v. Appl. au: Harvard Oniversity Graduate School of Business Adainistration & Stanford Oniversity Graduate School of Business. O President and Fellows of Harvard College t. Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior Oniversity; 24Jun77; A89B719.

AB98720. Eureka users aanual. hritten by D. B. DeHalas, G. L. Bussell fc M. Furtney. 1 v. Pickard, Lowe and Garrick, Inc. 6 D. B. DeHalas; 9Sep77; A898720.

A896721. Short cuts to professional pattern aaking: the non-geoaetrical way. By Fred Ongar. illustrated by Sandra Parness. 110 p. Fred Ongar; 15Mar77; 1896721.

A898722. C3345 Eleaents of statistics; a correspondence course. Developed by E. L. LeClerg, revised by Billiaa L. Arends. 71 p. Add. ti: Eleaents of statistics, course guide: C334S. NB: revisions. O Independent Study Prograas, Graduate School, U.S. Departaent of Agcicultuxe; 15Aug77; A898722.

A8S8723. Adaptation, continuity and change in upper susguehanna prehistory. By Eobert E. Funk 6 Bruce E. Bippeteau. 85 p. (Occasional publications in northeastern anthropology, no. 3) O Man in the

Northeast, Inc.; 7Jul77: A898723.


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