Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/702

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JUL-DEC. 1977

&89872a. Laboratory manual foE miccouave cookery. By Buby Beilby E Karylyn Mitchell. 117 p. e Euby Beilby £ Harylyn Mitchell; 254aq77: i89872'l.

Ae98725. Eyanqelism Id teachinq. By E. C. Crouch. 65 p. e E. C. Crouch: 23Jul77; A898725.

A898726. An Introdaction to the Old Testaneut. Pt. 1. By E. C. Crouch. 60 p. 6 E, c. Crouch: 23JU177: Ae98726.

A898727. New dineDSions Id human engineerinq usinq the selective thinking process: 21 day out patient oethadone supported opiate detoxification and counseling Bodel. By Beco L. Gcoley G Associates. 6 p. Appl. au: Beco L. Gooley. Beco L. Gooley; 21Sep77: A898727.

A898728. An Introduction to custom programmed maintenance. Folder. 6 Johnson Controls, Inc.: 6Sep77: A898728.

AS98729. Indez to naturalizaton records — Grayson County, Texas. By Treyia Booster Beverly. 35 p. © Trevia Roaster Beverly: 10Sep77; A898729.

A898730. Let's ucap it up! Managing editor: Balph Luedtke, photographic editor: Gerald Koser, production editor; Stuart L. Zyduck, artwork by Bodney Jenkins & fiobin Lee Dennison« written by Bobin Lee Dennison. 64 p. NH: compilation, additional text & pictorial matter. Ideals Publishing corporation; 23Sep77; A898730.

A898731. The Art of making appetizing sauces. 1 V. (Gourmet cooking made easy, lesson no. II Add. ti: The Art of preparing appetizing sauces. Appl. au: Hilliam M. Bloss. e lilliam M. Bloss: 15Sep77: AB98731.

A898732. The Martyr of the catacombs. By Lawrence J. Bircbler. 1 v. 6 Lawrence J. Birchler; 19Sep77; A898732.

A898733. Happy days. By Carlo Francella. 1 v. Carlo Francella; 8Auq77: A898733.

A89873a. Bell System practices. Pacific Tel. Section 005-231-986PT, appendix 11, issue A, July 1977. 19 p. 6 The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company: 1Jul77; A8987311.

A898735. Bell System practices. Pacific Tel. Section 005-202-916PT, appendix 3, issue A. Aug. 1977. 17 p. e The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 1Aug77; A898735.

A898736. Bell System practices. Pacific Tel- Section 005-202- 92 9PT, issue B, July 1977. U9 p. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 1Jul77; A898736.

A898737. An Invitation to see the Susan doll. By Freda Salem. 2 p. Freda Salem; 29Sep77; A898737.

A898738. Teqas bingo, and other titles. 1 v. (The Game room) Appl. au: Fred G. Sinclair (Fred Sinclair) Prev. reg. A58it896. NB: additions. Fred G. Sinclair; 7May77: A898738.

A898739. Basic crochet for left-handers. Associate editor: Carol s. Glichenhouse. 31 p. Appl. au: Marketing Plus, Inc. e Marketing Plus, Inc.; 27Sep77; A89873S.

A8987110. Hole caning handbook. 1 v. Appl. au: Buth L. Bowman, e B. L. Bowman: 28Sep77; A8987I10.

A8987111. Gate-r-bowl. Folder. Appl. au: Eugene P. Yavorski (E. P. yavorski) Eugene P. Yavorski d.b.a. E. P. Yavorski Enterprise; 15Sep77; A8987ai.

489871*2. Evolutionary theory. Vol. 2, no. 1. Editor: Isidore Habi, managing editor: Leigh Van Valen. 64 p. Q Department of Biology, Oniversity of Chicago; 10Feb77; A896742.

A898743. Food distributing system for conva- lescent homes and the like. By Cleveland J. Sullivan. 4 p. e Cleveland J. Sullivan; 27Sep77; A898743.

A898744. Charts by: Viz. By (fiz, pseud, of Lee Risnieuski, text: Arlene L. Lutz, art; Bobert J. Krutzke e Bainbow Arts. 1 v. @ The Centre Expression, Inc.; 28Aug77; Aa98744.

A898745. Models 353 and 354 installation tools instruction manual. 30 p. 6 Buck Manufacturing Company; 15Sep77; A898745.

A898746. Family financial program for. 1 p. Appl. au: Carroll H. Payne. 6 lEA a.a.d.o. Independent Besearch Agency for Life Insurance £ DSPA a.a.d.o. United Services Planning Association, Inc. ; 21Sep77; A898746.

AB98747. Computers. 1 v. Appl. au: Janice Marie Dykacz & Gretchen Hillgiag. 6 Janice Marie Dykacz & Gretchen Ringing; 1Sep76; i898747.

A898748. Computers. 1 v. Appl. au: Janice Marie Dykacz £ Gretchen Rillging. HM: revisions £ additions. Janice Marie Dykacz £ Gretchen Rillging; 1Feb77: A898748.

A898749. Lilly digest, 1977: a survey of community pharmacy operations for 1976. 71 p. e Eli Lilly and Company; 15Sep77; A898'749.

A898750. Hoodhurst Rest building equipment maintenance. 29 p. Appl. au: Einar B. Bud. Einar B. Bud; iasep77: A898750.

4898751. Machine alignment. By fiadie F. Perry. 1 V. Sadie F. Perry; 1Aug77; A898751.

4898752. A Brief concise guide to interpreting the horoscope. By Phillip Gloverohr, pseud, of Rilliam James Johnston £ Hilloah Gloverohr, pseud, of Barbara Lynn Biday. 1 V. O Hilloah Gloverohr a.k. a. Barbara Lynn Biday £ Phillip Gloverohr a.k. a. Rilliak James Johnston; 15Sep77: A898752.

A898753. Prof it-pak. 1 V. Appl. au; Andrew M. Dohan £ e. Anthony Sileo. O Betail Consultants of America; 30&ug77; A898753.

A898754. 100 best restaurants in the Valley of the Sun, 1978; an economy gourmet guide to dining out in the greater Phoenix area. By John B. Bogert £ Joan N. Bogert. 159 p. 3 John B. Bogert C Joan H. Bogert; 16Sep77; A898754.

A898755. Midtown from the public library to the ferry terminal. Prepared by Truman Gervais Beed £ Joan H. Hilsson, presented by the Seattle Public Library. 1 v. (Art in Seattle's public places: five urban walking tours, the 2nd itinerary) Gervais Beed £ Jo Milsson; 24Sep77; A898755.

A898756. Old Salem official guidebook. Text by Hunter L. James, edited by Frances Griffin, maps by Jim Stanley. 106 p. NM: compilation £ editorial treatment cf specific subject. © old Salem, Inc.; 1Sep77; A898756.

A898757. The Spencer Gifts jewelry collection. 63 p. © Spencer Gifts, Inc.; 8Sep77; A898757.

A8987E8. The Freshman image; a guide for high school seniors, college freshmen, parents, educators. £y John Paul DeVolder £ Jo Ann Hummers, illustrated by Peter A. Hummers. 99 p. © John DeVolder £ Jo Ann Hummers; l5Sep77; A89875B.

A898759. Bollover I.E& Q and A. 1977-78 ed. 14 p. © Lord, Abbett and Company; 20Sep77; A89S759.

4698760. The Ingredients for success in the record business: a no-nonsense approach for the songwriter, singer or musician. 36 p. Appl. au: Larry Curtis Lynum (L. C. Lynum) © L. C. Lynum; 10Sep77; A898760.

A898761. Electrical repairs simplified. By Donald B. Brann. 114 p. (Easi-Bild home improvement library, no. 694) NM: editorial revision, additional text £ illus. Q Directions' Simplified, Inc.; 22Sep77; A898761.

A898762. Life with the old-timers. By Vera Isabel Snider league, illus. by Don Baphael Madden. 256 p. © Vera Snider league; 19Sep77; 4898762.

A898763. The Pivotal letter. 119 p. Appl. au: Minnie May Starkey. HM: additions £ compilation. © Minnie May Starkey; 30Sep77; A893763.

A898764. The God-men: Hitness Lee and the Local Church. Issued by Spiritual Counterfeits Project, Inc. , with a foreword by David Adeoey. 78 p. © Spiritual Counterfeits Project, Inc.; 27Sep77; A898764.

A898765. American history; liguid duplicating masters. Ho. 1133. By James E. Vaughn. 1 V. @ Audioactive, Inc. (in notice: Audio Active, Inc.); 15Aug77; A898765.

4898766. Social studies reading; liquid duplicating masters. No. 0318, grade 3.

By James E. Vaughn. 1 v. © 4udioactive,


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