Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/707

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JUL-DEC. 1977

A898931. BectoD, Dickinson and Coopany; action reconjiendation. Sept. 1977. 10 p. a Donaldson. Lufkin and Jenrette Securities Corporation; 12Sep77; t898931.

4898932. Kodak precision line products. 6 p. NH: additions e revisions. Eastaan Kodak Coapany; 6Jul77 (in notice: 1976): 1898932.

A898933. Applied infrared photography. 1977 ed. 81 p. O Eastaao Kodak Coapany; 7Sep77: A898933.

k89893U. Go forth in safety. No. 3. By David C. Driver. Folder. Add. ti: A Lecture on Christian Science entitled; Go forth in safety. Appl. au: The Christian Science Board of Directors, eaployer foe hire. The christian Science Board of Directors; 12Sep77: A89893«.

AB9893S. The Latf of christian Science healing. No. 2. By Hichael B. Thorneloe. Polder. Add. ti: A lecture on Christian Science entitled; The Law of Christian Science healing. Appl. au: The Christian Science Board of Directors, employer for hire. The christian Science Board of Directors: 16Sep77: A898935.

A898936. Coamunications Satellite Corporation; supplementary reviea, Sept. 19, 1977. 1 p. (Forbes special situation survey) Forbes Investors Advisory Institute, Inc.; 19Sep77: A898936.

A898937. Howard Johnson Coapany; suppleaentary review. Sept. 19, 1977. 1 p. (Forbes special situation survey) O Forbes Investors Advisory Institute, Inc.; 19Sep77: A898937.

A898938. Hhittaker Corporation, Septeaber 23, 1977. 1 V. in folder. (Forbes special situation survey) Forbes Investors Advisory Institute, Inc.; 23Sep77: A898938.

A898939. Easy to do decorating's early Aaerican issue. Vol. 1. no. 3. Editor: Lauranne Gray, aanaging editor: Harilyn fi. Houston, art director: Barbara Costello. 112 p. Appl. au; Pyraaid Publications, a subsidiary of Barcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. Pyraaid Publications; 16Aug77; A898939.

A898940. Riders on the Earth; workbook. Level 15. By Bernard J. Heiss & Loreli Olson Steuer. 1U2 p. NH: new eiercises, text S illus. Bolt, Binehart and Rinston, Publishers; 3Jan77: A898940.

A898941. Books and qaaes, rhyaes and tales, pets and people, can you iaagine?; workbook. Levels 3-6. By Eldonna L. Evertts, Bernard J. Reiss. Natalie K. stroh C Loreli Olson steuer, illustrated by Toa Leigh. 110 p. Add. ti: Bbyaes and tales, books and gaaes, pets and people. <^an you imagine? NH: new exercises, text £ illus. Holt. Binehart and Rinston, Publishers; 3Jan77; A898941.

A8989lt2. Hetric fun. No. 3153, code C £ D. By fionald J. Baio Joseph Rolf. Jr. 2it p. Appl. au: Ideal School Supply coapany. Ideal School Supply Coapany: 23Sep77; A8989l)2.

A69891t3. Atlas forklift serial nuaber data. 86 p. NH: coapilation, editorial revision € additional text. O Atlas Lift Trucks Chicago, Inc.; 12Aug77; A89891t3.

A8989<|lt. Questions and answers about the new copyright law. Froa Legal briefs for editors, publishers and writers. 68 p. Appl. au: HcGraw-aill Book Coapany. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in any portion of this work written by a U.S. Govt, eaployee as part of his/her official duties, or in any portion taken froa D.S. Govt, sources. O on contents page, introd. S abridgment; McGraw-Hill. Inc.; 25JU177: A8989I44.

A89891I5. Production transparencies for Typing 1. By Alan C. Lloyd. Fred E. Ringer. John L. Bowc. Elizabeth lannizzi e Herbert F. lengel. 6it p. (Gregg typing, ser. 6) McGraw-Hill. Inc.; ^'^Sep^^■, Ae989H5.

A8989«6. Dodge construction systeas costs. 1978. 262 p. McGraw-Hill. Inc. ; 1Sep77; A8989l»6.

A898947. fieal estate brokerage: incoae, expenses, profits. 1976. Prepared by The Departaent of Bconoaics and Besearch, the National Association of Bealtors. 64 p. Appl. au: National Association of Bealtors National Association of Bealtors; 21Aug77; A8989lt7.

A89e9U8. Gockland, NI. telephone directory. 1977-78. New york Telephone Coapany: 1Sep77; A8989U8.

A898919. Becoaaends the following products or services for your hair. 1 p. Appl. au; Bussell Abate. Prev. reg. 1975, A652808. NH: new version. Bussell Abate; 30NOV76; A8989lt9.

A698950. Golden street dust. By Ghon, pseud, of J. Barry Mathews. 35 p. J. Barry Mathews; 7Sep77; A898950.

A898951. Three times seven poeas. By Arnold Schoenberg. From Albert Giraud*s Pierrot lunaire. opus 21. English version by Berbert Zipper. 7 p. NM: translation. Herbert Zipper; 150ct7U: Ae989S1.

A898952. Out froa the cosaic. By Edna Marchand. 1 V. Edna Marchand: 20Jul77: A89e952.

A8S8953. The Biver and the knotty pine. By Frank Christopher Hall. 136 p. O Frank Christopher Hall; 15ep77; 4898953.

A89895U. Colorado seasons: brief poeas. By Gregory J. Hobbs. Jr. 85 p. Gregg Bobbs (Gregory J. Bobbs. Jr.); 6Sep77: A89895».

A898955. The Maturing Christian: froa infancy to adulthood in Christ. By Douglas J. Simpson. 07 p. C Bandall House Publications; 15Sep77; A8989SS.

A898956. Huseua of Restvard Expansion: a photographic collection. By Nancy Chambers Bikle. editor: Noraan G. Hessinger, halftones & iitho photography: Cartography. Inc. 126 p. NM: coapilation of photos e new text. O The Jefferson National Expansion Historical Association; 20May77; A898956.

A89e957. Poetry to date. By Annie Frances H. Lewis. 1 v. Annie Frances a. Lewis; 8Aug77; AB98957.

A8SI8956. Breasts, aaking yours bigger; a coaplete report on enlarging your bosoa froa bust developers to cosaetic breast surgery. By Linda Canpbell. pseud, of Jean Dupargue & Linda Dupargue. 1 v. O Jean Dupargue G Linda Dupargue d.b.a. Personal Inforaation Publishers: 12Aug77: AB9895B.

A898959. God's time. 1 v. Appl. au: Carol McCartney. Carol McCartney: 30Jun77; A898959.

A898960. You can pray as you oughtl By Arnold Prater, foreword by Leighton Ford. 128 p. O Arnold Prater; 1Jul77: A898960.

A898961. Chesapeake pilot-alaanac: chart coapanion for boats; Chesapeake Bay and Tidewater tributaries. By Tupper Barrett, Jr. , sketches: Mavis Perry Barrett. 2nd ed. 1 V. Tupper Barrett, Jr. ; 22Sep77; A89e961.

A898962. Proceedings of the second aeeeting of the French Colonial Historical Society, Milwaukee. Risconsin. April 8-10. 1976. Editors: Alf Andrew Ueggoy S David £. Gardinier. 167 p. O The French Colonial Historical Society, Inc.; IHay77; A898962.

A898963. Freedoa. Edited by George F. McLean, issued by the office of the National Secretary of the Association. 247 p. (Proceedings of the Aaerican Catholic Philosophical Association, vol. 50} Add. ti: ACPA proceedings. 1976. Aaerican Catholic Philosophical Association; 31Dec76; A896963.

A898964. Selective concentration control seainars. 1 v. Appl. au: John J. Gnap. John J. Goap; 1Jun77; A898964.

A898965. Congratulations! party gaae for baby showers. By Bea. pseud, of Bea McDeraott. Kit. Bea McDeraott; lSAug77: A698965.

Ae989e6. Holiday aatheaagic. By Cheryl Perry 6 Hal Faulkner. 56 p. Activity Resources Coapany. Inc.; 20Jul77; A898966.

A898967. Place value and regrouping gaaes. By Lee Jenkins £ Marion Nordberg. 64 p. O Activity Besources Company, Inc.; 3Jan77; A898967.

A898968. Base ten aatbeaatics, interludes for every aath text. By Mary Laycock. 59 p. O Activity Besources Coapany. Inc.; 11Jan77; A89e968.

A898969. Focus on deciaals 1. By Margaret A. Seart. 48 p. Activity Besources Coapany. Inc.; 10Jun77: A898969.

Ae98970. Beady to play multiplication and division gaaes. By fionald Kreaer. with contributions froa Joan McNichols £ Geraldine Purkiss. 64 p. Activity Besources Coapany. Inc. ; 12Aug77:



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