Page:1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec.djvu/708

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A8S8971 - &899007
JUL-DEC. 1977

&898971, Hetrics all around. By Jean Gize £ Caria Hovey, illus.: Candace George. 56 p. Id Activity Resources Coapany, Inc. ; 5Har77: A898971.

A898972. Number trianqles. By Morris Bureloff. 50 p- 6 Activity Resources Company, Inc.; lSep76: A89a972.

A898973. Tratec: Influencing financial decisions; student workbook. 118 p. in folder. © Tratec, Inc.; 10Sep76; A898973.

A89897U- Steamboat*s a-comin*. Text & annotation by James A. Cox & Harry Oster. 1 v. Accompanied by sound recording » reg. N45932. Appl. au: National Geographic Society. NH: additions. 6 National Geographic Society; 20Sep77 <in notice; 1976); A898971*.

A898975. Meqavitamin therapy; study guide. By Victor Herbert. 7 p. (Cassette-a-nonth, Hay 1977) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. H45933 & script, reg. C36829. Appl- au: The American Dietetic Association. © The American Dietetic Association- -Department of Education (in notice: The American Dietetic Association); 29Jul77; A89B975.

A898976. A Healthy you. Author/con suit ant: Grayce A. Hanson. Hultiple volumes & cards. (Beading, researching and reporting in science) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N 4 59 34, filmstrip, reg. JP20763 in box. Appl. au: CBS, Inc. © BFA Educational Hedia, a division of CBS, Inc. : 1Jun77; 6898976.

A898977. Hammals of long ago. Filmstrip script; Perry florse, teacher's guide: Kathryn B. Walton & Bernadette B. Braslin. 5 v. G filmstrip. (Bead- Along Science) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. Mtf5935, in box. Appl. au: Guidance Associates, Inc., employer for hire. Appl. states all neu except frames 8, 14-23, 31, 35, 40, 56 S 58-6 1. 6 Guidance Associates; 12Jul77; A 898977-

A898978. Europe and the age of discovery. Filmstrip script: Judy Drosd, discussion guide: Tom Baynor. 32 p. £ 2 filmstrips. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N45936, in box. Appl. au: Guidance Associates, Inc., employer for hire. NH; additions. C Guidance Associates; 14Sep77; A89897a.

A898979. your body and hou to care for it: brain and nervous system. Filmstrip script: Peter J. Ketchum, teacher's guide: Janice Jeffrey. 34 p. G 2 filmstrips- (Body Basics) Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N45937, in box. Appl. au: Guidance Associates, Inc. , employer for hire. Appl. states all new except frames 16, 33 £ 34. 6 Guidance Associates; 12Aug77; A898979,

Ad9e980. Getting married- Filmstrip script: Barry Fishman G discussion guide; Victor D'Lugin- 24 p. G 2 filmstrips. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N45938, in box.. Appl. au; Guidance Associates, Inc., employer for hire. Appl. states all new except pt. 1, frames 7-10. 6 Guidance Associates; 12Jul77; A89e98a.

I an. Filmstrip script G discussion guide; Peter J. Ketchum- 29 p. G filmstrip. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N45939, in box. Appl- au: Guidance Associates, Inc-, employer for hire. Appl. states all new except frames 1, 24, 30 G 75. © Guidance Associates; 21Jun77; A898981 .

A898982. The Bill of Bights: foundation of our liberties. Filmstrip script G discussion guide: Tom fiaynor. 29 p. G 2 filmstrips. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N45940, in box. Appl. au: Guidance Associates, Inc., employer for hire. Appl. states all new except some filmstrip frames. © Guidance Associates; 1Sep77: &898982.

A898983- The Elizabethan Age- Filmstrip script; Sheila Turner-Seed, discussion guide: Diane Seed. 65 p. G 2 filmstrips. Accompanied by sound recording, reg- N45941, in box- Appl. au: Guidance Associates, Inc., employer for hire. NH: additions. © Guidance Associates; 10Aug77; A898983.

A898984- let's write a poem: a poetry worltshop- Filmstrip script G discussion guide; Anita Hurray Olesky. 31 p. £ 2 filmstrips- Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N45942, in box. Appl. au: Guidance Associates, Inc., employer, for hire. NM: additions. © Guidance Associates; 21JU177; ft898984.

A898985. The Hanagement of hostility in female led versus male led self study ' groups: the fear of women. By Lynn Perlman. Microfilm. © Lynn Perlman; 15Sep77; A898985.

A8989«6- Design of a user interface for a relational data base- By Eric Krnaholz demons. Microfilm. © Eric Krumholz demons; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976); 4898986.

a898987- Dialecticai tensions in the work of Francis Ponge. By Bachelle Onger Sherman. Microfilm. © Bachelle Unger Sherman; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A898987.

A898988. Every man's wisdom: literary affiliation among Blake, Yeats, and Joyce- By Anita Marie Gandolfo. Microfilm. © Anita Marie Gandolfo; 15Sep77; A898988-

A89e989. An Exploratory study of the role of the executive director of the Kentucky area development districts. By Daniel K. tlanamaker. Microfilm. © Daniel K. Hanamaker; 15Sep77; A898989.

A89e990. Temporal, .spatial and semantic contingencies in the perception of social interaction. By John Nabil Bassili. Microfilm. 9 John Nabil Bassili; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; A898990.

A898991. Nuclear transfer in Bombina orientalis. By John Thomas Carlson. Microfilm. © John Thomas Carlson; 15Sep77; A898991. A898992. Prediction of ipcome and stock prices of a seasonal business using different concepts of interim reporting. By Quentin Neil Gerber. Microfilm. © Quentin Neil Gerber; 15Sep77; Aa98992-

mobile and paralyzed cats. By Paul Joseph School. Microfilm. © Paul Joseph School; 15Sep77; A898993.

A898994. An Evaluation of the predictive ability of entity versus sub-entity data- By Thomas Hamilton Oxner. Microfilm. @ Thomas Hamilton Oxner; 15Sep77; Ad98994.

A89899 5. Pyloric reflux gastritis: an expe- rimental approach. By Thomas Allen Broadie. Microfilm. © Thomas Allen aroadie; 15Sep77; A898995.

A898996. The Baccalaureate nursing education program: faculty and student assessment of student capabilities through the use of a behavioral objectives inventory. By Lois Marian Parnell Frels. Microfilm. C Lois Marian Parnell Frels; 15Sep77; A898996-

A898997. Cognitive development and mental imagery in congenitally and adventitiously blind children. By Evelyn Louise Foster. Microfilm. © Evelyn Louise Foster; 15Sep77; A898997.

A89899e. Education for librarianship in Iran: some factors affecting its development. By Farkhondeh Saidi. Microfilm. © Farkhondeh Saidi; 15Sep77; A898998-

A89a999. The Dniversity compensatory program student: placement, course performance, and high school basic skills scores. By Joyce Domke Johnston. Microfilm. 6 Joyce Domke Johnston; 15Sep77; A898999-

A899000. BichaiTd Uright's guest for identity. By Bradford Clark Brayton^ Jr. Microfilm. © Bradford Clark Brayton, Jr.; 15Sep77; A899000.

4899001. The Employment of married women during the depression, 1929-1941- By Lois Scharf. Microfilm- 6 Lois Scharf; 15Sep77; A899001,

A899002. Between parent and child in colonial New England: an analysis of the religious child-oriented literature and selected children's works. By Gusti Hiesenfeld Frankel. Microfilm. 6 Gusti Hiesenfeld Frankel; 15Sep77; A899002.

A899003- Paradiso y el sistema poetico de Lezama Lima. By Margarita Junco Fazzolari. Microfilm. 6 Margarita Junco Fazzolari; 15Sep77; A899003.

A899004- Americacization and Mexicanization: the Mexican elite and Anglo-Americans in the Gadsden Purchase lands, 1853-1880. By Marcy Gail Goldstein. Microfilm. C Marcy Gail Goldstein; 15Sep77; A899004.

A899005. The African colonization movement in Georgia, 1817-1860. By James Maurice Gifford. Microfilm. © James Maurice Gifford; 15Sep77; A899005.

Aa99006. Poetry therapy versus traditional supportive therapy: a comparison of group process. By Deborah Lynn Dworkin Boss. Microfilm. © Deborah Lynn Dworkin Boss; 15Sep77; A899006.


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