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63. Longfellow’s Paul Reveres Ride, etc. Paper, .15.

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67. Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

68. Goldsmith’s Deserted Village, etc. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

69. Hawthorne’s The Old Manse, etc. Pa., .15. Nos. 40, 69, one vol., linen, .40.

70. A Selection from Whittier’s Child Life in Poetry. Paper, .15.

71. A Selection from Whittier’s Child Life in Prose. Paper, .15. Nos. 70, 71, one vol., linen, .40.

72. Milton’s Minor Poems. Pa., .15; linen, .25. Nos. 72, 94, one vol., linen, .40.

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81. Holmes’s Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table. Paper, .45; linen, .50.

82. Hawthorne’s Twice-Told Tales. Paper, .50; linen, .60.

83. Eliot’s Silas Marner. Paper, .30; linen, .40.

84. Dana’s Two Years Before the Mast. linen, .60.

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86. Scott’s Ivanhoe. Paper, .50; linen, .60.

87. Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe. Paper, .50; linen, .60.

88. Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin. linen, .60.

89. Swift’s Gulliver’s Voyage to Lilliput. Paper, .15.

90. Swift's Gulliver's Voyage to Brobdingnag. Paper, .15. Nos. 89, 90, one vol., linen, .40.

91. Hawthorne’s House of the Seven Gables. Paper, .50; linen, .60.

92. Burroughs’s A Bunch of Herbs, etc. Paper, .15.

93. Shakespeare’s As You Like It. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

94. Milton’s Paradise Lost. Books I-III. Paper, .15.

95, 96, 97, 98. Cooper’s Last of the Mohicans. In four parts, each, paper, .15. Nos. 95-98, complete, linen, .60.

99. Tennyson’s Coming of Arthur, etc. Paper, .15.

100. Burke’s Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies. Pa., .15; linen, .25.

101. Pope’s Iliad. Books I, VI, XXII, XXIV. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

102. Macaulay’s Johnson and Goldsmith. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

103. Macaulay’s Essay on John Milton. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

104. Macaulay’s Life and Writings of Addison. Paper, .15; linen, .25. Nos. 103, 104, one vol., linen, .40.

105. Carlyle’s Essay on Burns. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

106. Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

107, 108. Grimms’ Tales In two parts, each, Paper, .15. Nos. 107, 108, one vol., linen, .40.

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110. De Quincey’s Flight of a Tartar Tribe. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

111. Tennyson’s Princess. Paper, .30. Also, in Rolfe’s Students’ Series, to Teachers, .53.

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113. Poems from Emerson. Paper, .15. Nos. 113, 42, one vol., linen, .40.

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120. Poe’s The Gold-Bug, etc. Paper, .15. Nos. 119, 120, one vol., linen, .40.

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128. Byron’s Prisoner of Chillon, etc. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

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130. Emerson’s The Superlative, and Other Essays. Paper, .15.

131. Emerson’s Nature, and Compensation. Paper, .15.

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133. Schurz’s Abraham Lincoln. Paper, .15.