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Riverside Literature SeriesContinued

134. Scott’s Lay of the Last Minstrel. Paper, .30. Also in Rolfe's Students’ Series, to Teachers, net, .53.

135. Chaucer’s Prologue. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

136. Chaucer’s The Knight’s Tale, and The Nun’s Priest’s Tale. Paper, .15. Nos. 135, 130, one vol., linen, .40.

137. Bryant’s Iliad. Books I, VI, XXII, and XXIV. Paper, .15.

138. Hawthorne’s The Custom House, and Main Street. Paper, .15.

130. Howells’s Doorstep Acquaintance, and Other Sketches. Paper, .15.

140. Thackeray’s Henry Esmond. Linen, .75.

141. Three Outdoor Papers, by Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Paper, .15.

142. Ruskin’s Sesame and Lilies. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

143. Plutarch’s Life of Alexander the Great. North’s Translation. Paper, .15.

144. Scudder’s The Book of Legends. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

145. Hawthorne’s The Gentle Boy, etc. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

146. Longfellow’s Giles Corey. Paper, .15.

147. Pope’s Rape of the Lock, etc. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

148. Hawthorne’s Marble Faun. Linen, .60.

149. Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

150. Ouida’s Dog of Flanders, and The Nurnberg Stove. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

151. Ewing’s Jackanapes, and The Brownies. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

152. Martineau’s The Peasant and the Prince. Paper, .30; linen, .40.

153. Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night’s Dream. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

1.54. Shakespeare’s Tempest. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

155. Irving’s Life of Goldsmith. Paper, .45; linen, .50.

156. Tennyson’s Gareth and Lynette, etc. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

157. The Song of Roland. Translated by Isabel Butler. Paper. .30; linen, .40.

158. Malory’s Book of Merlin and Book of Sir Balin. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

159. Beowulf. Translated by C. G. Child. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

160. Spenser’s Faerie Queene. Book I. Paper, .30; linen, .40.

161. Dickens’s Tale of Two Cities. Paper, .45; linen, .50.

162. Prose and Poetry of Cardinal Newman. Selections. Paper, .30; linen, .40.

163. Shakespeare’s Henry V. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

164. De Quineey’s Joan of Arc, and The English Mail-Coach. Pa., .15; lin., .25.

165. Scott’s Quentin Durward. Paper, .50; linen, .60.

166. Carlyle’s Heroes and Hero-Worship. Paper, .45; linen, .50.

167. Norton’s Memoir of Longfellow. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

168. Shelley’s Poems. Selected. Paper, .45; linen, .50.

169. Lowell’s My Garden Acquaintance, etc. Paper, .15.

170. Lamb’s Essays of Elia. Selected. Paper, .30; linen, .40.

171, 172. Emerson’s Essays. Selected. In two parts, each, paper, .15. Nos. 171, 172, one vol., linen, .40.

173. Kate Douglas Wiggin’s Flag-Raising. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

174. Kate Douglas Wiggin’s Finding a Home. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

175. Bliss Perry’s Memoir of Whittier. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

176. Burroughs’s Afoot and Afloat. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

177. Bacon’s Essays. Paper, .30; linen, .40.

178. Selections from the Works of John Ruskin. Paper, .45; hnen, .50.

179. King Arthur Stories from Malory. Paper, .30; linen, .40.

180. Palmer’s Odyssey. Abridged Edition. Linen, .75.

181, 182. Goldsmith’s The Good-Natured Man, and She Stoops to Conquer. Each, paper, .15; in one vol., linen, .40.

183. Old English and Scottish Ballads. Paper, .30; linen, .40.

184. Shakespeare’s King Lear. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

185. Moores’s Abraham Lincoln. Paper, .15; linen, .25.

186. Thoreau’s Katahdin and Chesuncook. Paper, .15; linen, .25.


A American Authors and their Birthdays. Paper, .15.

B Portraits and Biographical Sketches of 20 American Authors. Paper, .15.

C A Longfellow Night. Paper, .15.

D Scudder’s Literature in School. Paper, .15.

E Dialogue and Scenes from Harriet Beecher Stowe. Paper, .15.

F Longfellow Leaflets. Paper, .30; linen, .40.

G Whittier Leaflets. Paper, .30; linen, net, .40.

H Holmes Leaflets. Paper, .30; linen, .40.

J Holbrook’s Northland Heroes. Linen, .35.

K The Riverside Primer and Reader. Linen, .30.

L The Riverside Song Book. Paper, .30; boards, .40.

M Lowell’s Fable for Critics. Paper, .30.

N Selections from the Writings of Eleven American Authors. Paper, .15.

O Lowell Leaflets. Paper, .30; linen, .40.

P Holbrook’s Hiawatha Primer. Linen, .40.

Q Selections from the Writings of Eleven English Authors. Paper, .15.

R Hawthorne’s Twice-Told Tales. Selected. Paper, .20; linen, .30.

S Irving’s Essays from Sketch Book. Selected. Paper, .30; linen, .40.

T Literature for the Study of Language (N. D. Course). Paper, .30; linen, .40,

U A Dramatization of The Song of Hiawatha. Paper, .15.

V Holbrook’s Book of Nature Myths. Linen, .45.

W Brown’s In the Days of Giants. Linen, .50.

X Poems for the Study of Language (Illinois Course of Study). Pa,. 30; lin., .40. Also in three parts, each, paper, .15.

Y Warner’s In the Wilderness. Paper, .20; linen, .30.

Z Nine Selected Poems. N. Y. Regents' Requirements. Paper, .15; linen, .25.