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10. A Judicial Board member must be present at all meetings in order to cast votes. Voting by proxy will not be permitted.

Section D

The authority of the Judicial Board Officers shall be distributed as follows:

a. Exercises one vote on the Judicial Board.
b. Receives remuneration as determined by the Legislative Council and funded from ASUCI Treasury,
c. Is chosen by and from his/her peers on the Judicial Board at the beginning of each Academic year. The term of office of the Judicial Board Chair shall be one (1) year.
a. Is chosen by his/her peers on the Judicial Board.
b. Serves as Judicial Board Chair on an interim basis should the Judicial Board Chair be absent, become incapacitated, resign, or be recalled, until the Executive Cabinet has nominated, and the Legislative Council has approved a replacement Judicial Board member, at which time a new Judicial Board Chair shall be chosen by and from his/her peers on the Judicial Board And shall serve until the end of the term of the previous chair.

The duties of the Judicial Board Chair and Vice-Chair shall be contained in the By-laws and in the Judicial Board Policies and Procedures. The Judicial Board Policies and Procedures shall be created and updated by the Legislative Council. Any amendments to the Judicial Board Policies and Procedures must attain a three-fourths (3/4) vote of the voting members of the Legislative Council present.

Section E

The authority of the Judicial Oversight Committee shall extend to all Judicial cases arising where the Judicial Board exceeds the boundaries of their jurisdiction under this constitution.

1. The Judicial Oversight Committee shall be comprised of one Executive Officer, one Legislative Council Member, ASUCI Executive Director, and the Chair and Vice Chair of the Judicial Board.
2. The Judicial Oversight Committee shall be activated upon a petition to legislative council and a unanimous vote of approval by the legislative council members present.

The duties of the Judicial Board Oversight Committee shall be contained in the By Laws and the Judicial Board Oversight Committee Guidelines.