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8. Having other powers and responsibilities as may be delegated to it by the Chancellor of the University of the California, Irvine.

The duties of the Judicial Board shall be contained within the By-laws and in the Judicial Board Policies and Procedures.

Section C

The qualifications and conditions for membership in the Judicial Board shall be as follows:

1. The Judicial Board shall consist of seven (7) undergraduate students, appointed by the Executive Cabinet and confirmed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members of the Legislative Council present.
2. The Chair and Vice Chair shall be the officers of the Judicial Board.
3. In the event that the Executive Cabinet fails to submit a nomination(s) to the Legislative Council within two (2) weeks of the occurrence of a vacancy, nominations may be made by any ASUCI elected representative. If an Executive Cabinet nomination is rejected by the Legislative Council, the Executive Cabinet will have one (1) week to introduce another nomination before the right to nominate dissolves to the entire group of ASUCI elected representatives. If the Legislative Council does not consider the nomination(s) to fill the vacancy(ies) within two (2) weeks of the nomination(s), the consideration of nomination(s) shall come before any other business. When vacancies occur, replacements shall serve a full term.
4. The term of office for Judicial Board members shall be two (2) years. A Judicial Board member shall assume office on the seventh (7th) day following the approval of his/her nomination by the Legislative Council. Judicial Board members can only be removed from office according to recall procedures under Article VIII.
5. A Judicial Board member shall have been a member of the Associated Students at the University of California, Irvine, and a registered student in good standing (as determined by the Registrar), maintaining a 2.0 overall grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of candidacy.
6. A Judicial Board nominee shall have been a registered student at the University of California, Irvine for an entire academic year immediately prior to assuming office.
7. A Judicial Board member shall have attained at least sophomore status as defined by the UCI Registrar at the time of assuming office.
8. A Judicial Board member shall forfeit the office within one (1) week upon failing to maintain a 2.0 overall grade point average on a 4.0 scale during his/her term in office.
9. A Judicial Board member shall not hold an ASUCI elective or appointed office during his/her time on the Judicial Board.