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d. Administrative Affairs Vice-President
e. Student Services Vice-President
3. Appointed, non-voting membership: Appointed, non-voting Legislative Council seats shall be assigned by a simple majority vote of the voting members of the Legislative Council and shall be stated and reviewed yearly in the By-laws. Only organizations with officially recognized governing bodies representing diverse campus constituencies shall be considered for membership. The number of nonvoting Legislative Council members shall not exceed five (5). Each of the representatives are to be appointed by the governing body from whence they come. Each representative must be a registered student in good standing (as determined by the Registrar), and must meet the membership criteria listed herein for Legislative Council members.

Section D

The qualifications for membership in Legislative Council shall be as follows:

1. The term of office for Legislative Council members shall be one full year, with one-half (1/2) of the members elected in spring quarter and the other one-half (1/2) shall be elected during fall quarter. A Legislative Council member shall assume office at the beginning of the academic quarter following their election. Appointed members shall assume office immediately following the confirmation of their appointment and shall finish the term of office of the seat for which they were appointed.
2. A Legislative Council member shall have been a registered student in good standing (as determined by the Registrar), maintaining at least a 2.0 overall grade point average on a 4.0 scale at the time of candidacy.
3. A Legislative Council member shall have been a registered student at the University of California, Irvine throughout the academic quarter immediately prior to assuming office.
4. A Legislative Council member shall forfeit his/her office within one (1) week upon failing to maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale during his/her term in office.
5. A Legislative Council member must be present at all meetings in which he/she wishes to cast votes. Voting by proxy will not be permitted.
6. A Legislative Council member shall not hold another ASUCI elective office during his/her term on the Legislative Council.
7. Each elected, appointed, and ex officio Legislative Council position shall be held by one person.