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Section A

All executive authority shall be vested in the Executive Cabinet. The Executive Cabinet shall be comprised of the President, Executive Vice-President, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Vice-President for Administrative Affairs, and the Vice-President for Student Services.

Section B

The actions of the Executive Cabinet shall be enacted upon a majority vote of the Executive Cabinet. The authority of the Executive Cabinet shall include but is not limited to:

1. Preparing and presenting the annual ASUCI budget for approval by the Legislative Council;
2. Vetoing, as seen fit, any measures adopted by the Legislative Council, provided such an action be exercised only once per measure, and within six (6) days from the date of the measure being passed, after which time, the measure shall become legislation with or without the Executive Cabinet's approval.
3. Nominating all appointments to the Judicial Board for approval by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Legislative Council
4. Administering the annual budget as approved by the Legislative Council.

The duties of the Executive Cabinet shall be contained within the By-laws.

Section C

The qualifications and conditions for members in the Executive Cabinet shall be as follows:

1. Executive Officers shall be elected independently by and from the undergraduate students at-large. They shall be elected in the spring quarter and shall assume office at noon on the last day of Spring quarter. Their terms of office shall be one year.
2. The following oath of office shall be administered to the Executive Officers by the chair of the Judicial Board or by the Vice Chair of the Judicial Board as designated by the Chair, during the tenth week of spring quarter:

" I, (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I will preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the Associated Students of the University of California, Irvine, and that I will execute the duties of my office to the best of my ability (so help me God).

3. Executive Officers must be a registered UCI undergraduate student in good standing as defined by the UCI Registrar.
4. Executive Officers shall have attained junior standing as defined by the UCI Registrar by the time of assuming office.