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5. Executive Officers shall have been registered students at the University of California, Irvine for an entire academic year immediately prior to assuming office.
6. An Executive Officer shall forfeit his/her office within one (1) week upon failing to maintain at least a 2.0 overall grade point average on a 4.0 scale during his/her term in office.
7. An Executive Cabinet member must be present at all meetings in order to cast votes. Voting by proxy will not be permitted.
8. No Executive Officer may hold another ASUCI elective office during his/her executive term.
9. Executive Officers may receive remuneration, as determined by action of the Legislative Council and funded from the Treasury of the ASUCI.

Section D

The authority of the Executive Cabinet shall be distributed as follows:

a. Serves as Chief Executive Officer of ASUCI, and Chair of the Executive Cabinet.
b. Has co-signature authorization with the Executive Vice President over all budgetary expenditures.
c. Coordinates office management, ASUCI business operations, and personnel transactions with ASUCI Executive Director.
d. Has co-signature authorization on contracts for ASUCI, in conjunction with the Executive Director and in accordance with University Policies and Procedures.
e. Appoints, with a concurrent, simple majority of the voting members of the Legislative Council present, his/her executive commissioners
f. Appoints, in the event of vacancy in the Executive Cabinet, a replacement with a concurrent, two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members of the Legislative Council.
The duties of the President shall be contained within the By-laws.
a. Chairs the Legislative Council and votes only in the case of a tie.