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b. Organizes and oversees all ASUCI elections.
c. Has co-signature authorization over all budgetary expenditures.
d. Appoints, with a concurrent, simple majority vote of the voting members of the Legislative Council present, his/her executive commissioners.
e. Assumes the office of the President in the absence, incapacitation, or resignation of the President.
The duties of the Executive Vice-President shall be contained within the By-laws.
a. Represents the Associated Students on those matters relating to the educational quality at the University of California, Irvine.
b. Appoints, with a concurrent, simple majority vote of the voting members of the Legislative Council present, his/her executive commissioners.
c. Assumes the office of the President in the absence, incapacitation, or resignation of both the President and the Executive Vice-President.
The duties of the Vice-President of Academic Affairs shall be contained within the Bylaws.
a. Appoints, with a concurrent, simple majority vote of the voting members of the Legislative Council present, student representatives to all campus committees and regulatory boards, and coordinates and supervises such activities.
b. Serves as Vice Chair of the Legislative Council, assuming the duties of the Chair in the absence of the Executive Vice-President, and votes only in the case of a tie.
c. Appoints, with a concurrent, simple majority vote of the voting members of the Legislative Council present, his/her executive commissioners.
d. Assumes the office of the President in the absence of the President, the Executive Vice-President, and the Academic Affairs Vice-President.
The duties of the Administrative Affairs Vice-President shall be contained in the Bylaws.