Page:A Biographical Index of British and Irish Botanists.djvu/13

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  • Dryand. or Dryander. 'Catalogus Bibliothecæ Historico-natoralis Josephi Banks,' by Jonas Dryander, 1798-1800, 5 vols,
  • E.B., E. Bot., or Eng. Bot. 'English Botany,' by James Edward Smith, M.D. ; the figures by James Sowerby, 36 vols., 1790-1814.
  • E. B. S. 'Supplement to English Botany,' London, 5 vols., 1831-63.
  • Elliott, Bot. Carolina. 'Botany of South Carolina,' by S. Elliott, 1821-4, 2 vols.
  • Encyc. Brit. 'Encyclopædia Britannica,' 9th edition, 24 vols., 1875-88.
  • Encycl, Gard. 'An Encyclopaedia of Gardening,' by J. C. London, 1850.
  • Essex Naturalist. 'The Essex Naturalist,' 1887-92.
  • Exot. Flora. (See Hook, Exot. Fl.)
  • Faulkner, Chelsea. 'Historical and Topographical Description of Chelsea,' by Thomas Faulkner, 2nd edition, 2 vols., 1829.
  • Felton. 'Portraits of English Authors on Gardening,' by Samuel
  • Felton. 2nd edition, London, 1830.
  • Fl. Austral. 'Flora Australiensis,' by G. Bentham, 1863-78.
  • Fl. Bor. Amer. 'Flora Borealis Americana,' by Sir W. J. Hooker, 2 vols., 1840.
  • Fl. Dors. 'Flora of Dorsetshire,' by J. C. Mansel-Pleydell, 1874.
  • Fl. Essex. 'The Flora of Essex,' by George Stacey Gibson, 1862.
  • Fl. Heref. 'Flora of Herefordshire,' by Rev. W. H. Purchas and A. Ley, 1889.
  • Fl. Hongkong. 'Flora Hongkongensis,' by George Bentham, London, 1861.
  • Fl. Indica. 'Flora Indica,' by J. D. Hooker and T. Thomson, 1855.
  • Fl. Leic. 'Flora of Leicestershire,' by Leicester Lit. and Phil. Soc, 1886.
  • Fl. Midd. 'Flora of Middlesex,' by H. Trimen and W. T. T. Dyer, London, 1869. An interleaved copy with MS. notes, in the Botanical Department of the British Museum (Natural History) is occasionally referred to.
  • Fl. Plym. 'Flora of Plymouth,' by T. R. Archer Briggs, 1880.
  • Fl. Tasm. 'Flora Tasmanise,' by Sir J. D. Hooker, 1860.
  • Fl. Trop. Af. 'Flora of Tropical Africa,' edited by D. Oliver, 3 vols., 1868-77.
  • Fl. Warwicksh. 'Flora of Warwickshire,' by J. E. Bagnall, 1891.
  • Floral Cabinet. 'The Floral Cabinet,' edited by G. B. Knowles, &0., 3 vols., 1837-40.
  • Forster. Gen., or Forst., Gen., 'Characteris generum Plantarum,' by J. R. and J. G. A. Forster, 1775.
  • Friend, Hist. Physic. 'History of Physick,' by John Friend, 2 vols., 1727.
  • Friends' Books. 'Catalogue of Friends' Books,' by Joseph Smith, London, 1867, 2 vols.
  • Gard. Chron. 'The Gardeners' Chronicle,' London, 1841-92.