Page:A Biographical Index of British and Irish Botanists.djvu/14

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  • Garth's 'Dispensary,' 'The Dispensary,' a poem by Samuel Garth, 1699; and 'A compleat Key to the Dispensary,' 1726.
  • Gen., Mag. 'The Gentleman's Magazine,' London, 1731-92.
  • Geol. Mag. 'The Geological Magazine,' London, 1864-92.
  • Ger. emac. 'The Herball, ... by John Gerard, enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson,' London, 1633, fol., termed by Ray 'Gerard emaculatus.'
  • Gillow, Diet, Catholic Biog., or Dict. Eng. Cath. 'Dictionary of the English Catholics,' by Joseph Gillow, London, 1885-87 vols, i.-iii.
  • Gorham. 'Memoirs of John and Thomas Martyn,' by G. C. Gorham, London, 1830.
  • Granger. 'Biographical History of England,' by Rev. James Granger, 5th edition, 6 vols., 1824.
  • Greville. Algæ Brit. 'Algæ Britannicæ,' by R. K. Greville, Edinburgh, 1830.
  • Guilding. 'Account of St. Vincent Garden,' by Lansdown Guilding, Glasgow, 1825.
  • Haller. 'Bibliotheca Botanica,' 2 vols., 1771-2.
  • Halle's Letters, 'Letters, Historical and Botanical,' by Hughes R. P. Eraser Halle, 1851.
  • Harv, Brit, Algæ. 'Manual of British Algae,' by W. H. Harvey, 1841.
  • Herbert and Dibdin's Ames. Typographical Antiquities, by Joseph Ames and William Herbert, edited by Rev. Thomas F. Dibdin, London, 1810-19, 4 vols.
  • Herb. Mus. Brit. The Herbarium of the Botanical Department of the British Museum (Natural History).
  • Hist, Berw, Field Club. 'History of the Berwickshire Naturalists Club,' 1834-91.
  • Hoefer. 'Nouvelle Biographic G6n6rale,' edited by Dr. J. C. F. Hoefer, 46 vols., 1852-66.
  • Hook, Exot. Fl. 'Exotic Flora,' by Sir W. J. Hooker, 3 vols., 1822-7.
  • Hook. Fl. Scot. 'Flora Scotica,' by Sir W. J. Hooker, 1821.
  • Hook. Gen. Fil. 'Genera Filicum,' by Sir W. J. Hooker, 1838-42.
  • How. 'Phytologia Britannica,' by William How, 1650.
  • H. S. Sloane Herbarium in the Botanical Department of the British Museum.
  • Ic. Pl. 'Icones Plantarum,' 1837-92.
  • Irish Flora, 1833 (anonymous, by Lady Kane).
  • Jacks. 'Guide to the Literature of Botany,' by B. D. Jackson, London, 1881.
  • Johnson. 'History of English Gardening,' by George William Johnson, London, 1829.
  • Johnston Corr. 'Correspondence of George Johnston, M.D.,'.1892.
  • Journ. Bot. 'The Journal of Botany,' 1834-92, including 'Hooker's Journal of Botany,' 1834-42; 'The London Journal of Botany,' 1842-8; 'Hooker's Journal of Botany and Kew Gardens Miscellany,' 1849-57; and 'The Journal of Botany,' 1863-92.