Page:A Biographical Index of British and Irish Botanists.djvu/15

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  • Journ. Hort. 'The Journal of Horticulture,' London, 1860-92.
  • Journ. R. I. C. Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall.
  • Lambert, 'Pinnus.' 'Description of the genus Pinus,' by A. B. Lambert, 2nd ed., 3 vols., 1828-37.
  • Lasegue. 'Musée botanique de M. B. Delessert,' by A. Lasègue, 1845.
  • Leeds Worthies. 'Biographia Leodiensis : or Biographical Sketches of the Worthies of Leeds,' by Richard V. Taylor, 1865-67.
  • Life of Darwin. 'Life and Letters of Charles Darwin,' edited by Francis Darwin, 3 vols., 1887.
  • Lindley, 'Swan River.' {See Appendix to 'Bot. Register,' 1839.)
  • Linn. Corr. ' Correspondence of Linnaeus and other Naturalists,' edited by Sir J. E. Smith, London, 1821, 2 vols.
  • Linn. Trans., or Trans. Linn. Soc. 'Transactions of the Linnean Society,' London, 1791-1892.
  • Loud. Arboret., or Loudon, Arboretum. 'Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum,' by J. C. Loudon, London, 8 vols., 1838.
  • Loud. Gard. Mag., or Mag. Gard. 'Loudon's Gardener's Magazine,' 1826-43.
  • Mag. Nat. Hist. 'The Magazine of Natural History,' conducted by J. C. Loudon, London, 1829-36, in 9 vols., and 'New Series,' conducted by E. Charlesworth, 1837-40, in 4 vols.
  • Mag. Zool. Bot. 'Magazine of Zoology and Botany,' conducted by Sir W. Jardine, P. J. Selby, and Dr. George Johnston, 1837-8, continued as * Annals of Natural History, or Magazine,' &c., 1838-40, in' 5 vols.
  • Martyn. 'Plantæ Cantabrigienses,' by Thomas Martyn, M.A., London, 1763.
  • Martyn' s Virgil. 'Dissertations on the Æneids of Virgil,' by John Martyn, with Memoir, 1770.
  • Mem. Lit. Phil. Soc, Manchester. 'Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester,' 1785-1892.
  • 'Memorials of Bartram' by W. Darlington, 1849.
  • Mem. Wem. Soc. Memoirs of Wernerian Nat. Hist. Soc, 8 vols., 1811-39.
  • Men of Eminence. 'Portraits of Men of Eminence, with Biographical Memoirs,' edited by Lovell Keeve and Edward Walford, 6 vols, 1863-66.
  • Merrett. 'Pinax Kerum Naturalium Britannicum,' by Christopher Merrett, 1666.
  • Michaud. 'Biographic Universelle,' edited by L. G. Michaud, 45 vols., 1843-65.
  • Midi. Fl. 'Midland Flora,' by Thomas Purton, 1817-21.
  • Miers, Trav. Chili. 'Travels in Chile and La Plata,' by John Miers, 1826.
  • Munk. 'The Roll of the Eoyal College of Physicians,' by William Munk, M.D., F.S.A., 2nd edition, London, 1878, 3 vols.
  • Mus. Pet. 'Museum Petiverianum,' London, 1692-1703.
  • ''Naturalist. 'The Naturalist,' 5 vols., 1837-39, edited by B. Maund, W. Holl, and Neville Wood; 8 vols., edited by B. R. and F. 0. Morris, 1851-58 ; 2 vols., 1864-66.