Page:A Biographical Index of British and Irish Botanists.djvu/17

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  • Salisb. Gen. 'Genera of Plants,' by R A. Salisbury, edited by J. E. Gray, 1866.
  • Salisbury Parad. Lond. "Paradisus Londinensis,' by R. A. Salisbury, 1805-8.
  • Scott. Nat. 'The Scottish Naturalist,' 1871-92.
  • Semple. 'Memoirs of the Botanic Garden at Chelsea,' by H. Pield, revised and continued by R. H. Semple, London, 1878.
  • Short, Western Botany. 'Progress of Botany in Western America,' by C. W. Short, 1836.
  • Sloane, Jamaica. 'Natural History of Jamaica,' by Sir Hans Sloane, 1707-25.
  • Smith Corr. or Smith Lett. 'Memoir and Correspondence of Sir J. E. Smith,' by Lady Smith, London, 2 vols., 1832.
  • Smith, Kew. 'Records of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew ' (by John Smith, ex-curator), 1880.
  • Stackhouse, Nereis. 'Nereis Britannica,' by John Stackhouse, 1795-1801.
  • Stat. Acc. Scotl, 'Statistical Account of Scotland,' by Sir John Sinclair, 21 vols., 1791-9; and 'The New Statistical Account,' 15 vols., 1845.
  • Stewart d Corry. ' Flora of the North-East of Ireland,' by S. A. Stewart and T. H, Corry, 1888.
  • Swartz, Fl. Ind. Occ. 'Flora Indies Occidentalis,' by O. Swartz, 1747-1806.
  • Sweet, Fl. Garden. 'British Flower Garden,' by Robert Sweet, 1822-81.
  • Syn. Harvey's 'Synopsis of Algæ,' 1857.
  • Tanner or Tanner, Bibl. Brit.-Hib, 'Bibliotheca Britannico-Hibernica,' London, 1744.
  • Theatr. 'Theatrum Botanicum,' by John Parkinson, London, 1640.
  • Threlkeld, Syn. Stirp. Hibern. 'Synopsis stirpium Hibernicum, by Rev. Caleb Threlkeld, 1727.
  • Thwaites, Enum, Pl. Zeyl, 'Enumeratio Plantanmi Zeylaniæ,' by G. H. K. Thwaites, 1858-64.
  • Timehri, being the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of British Guiana, 1882-92.
  • Top. Bot. 'Topographical Botany,' by H. C. Watson, 2nd edition, London, 1883.
  • Torr, d Gray, Fl. N. Amer. 'Flora of North America,' by J. Torrey and A. Gray, 1838-43.
  • Trans. Bot. Soc. Ed. 'Transactions of the Botanical Society of Edinburgh,' 1844-92.
  • Trans. Essex Field Club. 'Transactions of the Essex Field Club,' vols, i.-iv., 1880-86 (continued as 'The Essex Naturalist ').
  • Trans. Hort. Soc. 'Transactions of the Horticultural Society,' 10 vols., 1820-48.
  • 'Trans. Med, Bot. Lond. 'Transactions of Medico-Botanical Society of London,' 1828-37.
  • Turn. Fuci. 'Fuci,' by Dawson Turner, 1808-19.