Page:A Biographical Index of British and Irish Botanists.djvu/43

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duced Victoria regia, Pritz. 40; Proc. California Acad. Nat. Sci. iii. 1866, 236; R. S. C. vii. 259; Gard. Chron. 1865, 1226; Journ. Bot. 1834, 177; 1837, 64; 1845, 571; 1866, 64; Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. viii. Bridgesia Hook. = Polyachyrus Lag. Bridgesia Hook. & Am. = Ercilla A. Juss. Bridgesia Camb.

Briggs, Thomas Richard Archer (1836-91): b. Fursdon, nr. Plymouth, 7 May, 1836; d. Fursdon, 23 Jan., 1891; bur. Egg Buckland. F.L.S., 1872. Critical British botanist, especially Rosæ and Rubi. 'Flora of Plymouth,' 1880. Numerous papers in Journ. Bot. from 1863. Jacks. 258; R. S. C. vii. 259; ix. 349; Top. Bot. 539; Journ. Bot. 1891, 97 (portr.). Rubis Briggsii H. C. Wats.

Brightwell, Thomas (1787-1868); b. Ipswich, 18 March, 1787; d. Norwich, 17 Nov. 1868; bur. the Rosary, Norwich. Solicitor and Mayor of Norwich. F.L.S., 1821. 'Fauna Infusoria for East Norfolk,' 1848. 'Triceratium,' 1853. 'Memorials,' 1869. Dict. Nat. Biog. vi. 340.

Brittain, Thomas (1806-84): b. Sheffield, 2 Jan., 1806; d. Urmston, Lancashire, 23 Jan., 1884. President, Manchester Microscop. Soc, 1882. 'Micro-fungi,' 1882. Portr. in Trans. Manchester Micr. Soc. 1891. Gard. Chron. 1854, i. 155; Dict. Nat. Biog. vi. 359.

Brodie, James (fl. 1800). M.P. Of Brodie, Elgin. Discovered Moneses. F.L.S., 1795; F.R.S. Algologist. E. B. 146, 1966, 2589, &c. Turn. Fuci, ii. 2. Harvey, Phyc. Brit. t. xx. Greville, Algæ Brit. vi. Herbarium given to Walker Arnott. "Friend and patron " of Smith. "Discoverer of many new British plants," E. B. 1966. Brodicæa Sm. = Hookera Slillsb.

Brodigan, Thomas (fl. 1830). Of Pilltown, Meath. ' Botanical, Historical . . . Treatise on the Tobacco Plant,' 1830.

Bromfield, William Arnold (1801-51); b. Boldre, Hants, 1801; d. Damascus, 9 Oct. 1851; bur. Damascus. M.D. Glasgow, 1823; F.L.S., 1836. 'Flora Vectensis,' 1856. Travelled on Continent, Ireland, West Indies, North America, and Egypt. Distinguished Calamintha sylvatica. Contrib. to E. Bot. (2812, 2863, 2897) and Phytol. Herbarium at Isle of Wight Philos. Soc, Ryde. MSS. bot. library, and N. American and Egyptian plants at Kew. Pritz. 41; Jacks. 254, 350; Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. 182; Phyt. iv. pref .; R. S. C. i. 644; Journ. Bot. 1851, 373; Diet. Nat. Biog. vi. 398. Engr. portr. at Linn. Soc. and at Kew, and in 'Flora Vectensis.' Bromfeldia Neck.

Bromhead, Sir Edward Thomas Ffrench, Bart. (1789-1855): b. Dublin, 26 March, 1789; d. Thurlby Hall, Newark, U March, 1855. M.A. Camb., 1815; F.R.S., 1844; F.R.S., 1817. 'Botanical Alliances,' Edin. Philos. Journ., April, 1838. 'Affinities of Lythraceæ' . . . . Mag. Nat. Hist. ii. 1838, 210; iv. 1840, 329. Pritz. 41; Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. 405; R. S. C. i. 644; Boase. Bromheadia Lindl.

Brookes, Richard (fl. 1720-63). M.D. Practised in Surrey and travelled in Africa and America. 'Nat . Hist. Chocolate,'