Page:A Biographical Index of British and Irish Botanists.djvu/44

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1725, ed. ii. 1730. 'Nat. Hist. Vegetables' 1763. Jacks. 33; Dict. Nat. Biog. vi. 436.

Brookshaw, George (fl. 1812). Artist. 'Pomona Britannica,' 1812. Some plates are stated to be by the next. Pritz. 42.

Brookshaw, Richard (fl. 1736-1804): b. circ. 1736; d. circ. 1804. Artist. 'Pomona Britannica,' 1804. Redgrave's Dict, of Artists, 1878; Bryan; Dict. Nat. Biog. vi. 440.

Broome, Christopher Edmund (1812-86): b. Berkhampstead, Herts, 24 July, 1812; d. Holborn, 15 Nov. 1886. M.A. Camb., 1836. F.L.S., 1866. Mycologist. Herbarium in Mils. Brit. Pritz. 42; Journ. Bot. 1887, 148; R. S. C. i. 655, vii. 274, ix. 366; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1886-7, 34. Broomeia Berk.

Broughton, Arthur (d. 1796 or 1803?); d. Jamaica, 1796 or 1803? Of Bristol. M.D. Edin., 1779. 'Enchiridion Botanicum,' 1782. ' Hortus Eastensis,' 1792. 'Cat. of the . . . Bot. Garden of Liguanea,' 1794. Herb, in City Library, King Street, Bristol. Pritz. 42; Jacks. 527; Baillon, i. 499; Dict. Nat. Biog. vi. 459. Broughtonia R. Br.

Brown (e?), Alexander (fl. 1700). Surgeon in E. Indies. Correspondent of Plukenet. Discovered new plants in East Indies and at the Cape. Pult. ii. 62-3; Pritz. 44; Pluk. Mant. 69. Eriocephalos Bruniades Pluk. = Brunia L.

Brown, George Dransfield (c. 1828-85): b. circ. 1828; d. Ealing, Middlesex, 17 July, 1885. M.R.C.S. F.L.S., 1876. Practised at Ealing. Microscopist and cryrptogamist. Proc. Linn. Soc. 1883-6, 138.

Brown, John (d. 1851): d. Boston, 30 Jan. 1851. M.D. Of Boston, Lincolnshire. F.L.S., 1826. Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. 132.

Brown, John (d. 1873): d. Edinburgh, July, 1873. Sec. Edin. Nat. Field Club. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. xi. 427, 470; xii. 19; R. S. C. vii. 278.

Brown, John William (1834-59): b. Otley, Yorks., 1834; d. Otley, 19 Aug., 1859. Had a herbarium. Parkinson's 'Lays and Leaves of the Forest,' 252. ' Leeds Mercury,' 18 May, 1889.

Brown, John Wright (1836-63): b. Edinburgh, 19 Jan. 1836; d. Edinburgh, 23 March, 1863. Assistant in Edinburgh Herbarium. Associate Bot. Soc. Edin. 'List of Plants in Elie, Fife,' in Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. vii. 519. Dict. Nat. Biog. vii. 21.

Brown, Rev. Littleton (b. 1699): b. Bishop's Castle, Salop, 1699. M.A. Oxon, 1722; F.E.S. Of Shropshire. "An ingenious young clergyman," Dillenius, 'Historia Muscorum.' Letters to Dillenius and plants in Oxford Bot. Gard. Library and Herbarium. Rich. Corr. 233; Linn. Corr., ii. 145.

Brown, P. J. (d. 1842): d. Thun, Switzerland, 1842. Colonel. Lived at Eichenbiihl, Thun, from 1822-1842. F.B.S.Ed., 1838. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1833, 469; Catalogue des pi. de Thoune, 1843. Pritz. 43; Jacks. 344; R. S. C. i. 659.

Brown (Peter), (fl. 1770-91). Flower painter. Exhibited at Royal Academy, 1770-91. Botanical Painter to Prince of Wales. Dryander, ii. 19.