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Birmingham Collection

Children’s Convalescent Home, Solihull: see Convalescent Home (Evans).

Children’s Court:—







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City of Birmingham. Report of the Visiting [Justices’}] Committee of H.M. Prison on the proceedings of the Children’s Court, 1906, cote. Syo. 1907, ete.

Report of G. Bogue Smart, Inspector of British Immigrant Children, etc. ae. references to Birmingham Children’s Court]. (Otfawa.) Svo. 1909,

Children’s Court : see also Juvenile Crime. Children’s Emigration Homes :— Children’s Emigration Homes. Report, with list of subscribers, Ist [1872-3] ete, 8vo. 1873, etc. NOTE,—The tithe on the Ist Report is; Gutter Chikiren’s Tomes. Children’s Home and Orphanage, Birmingham Branch : see Princess Alice Orphanage. Children’s Hospital : see Hospital for Sick Children. Children’s Hospital League :-— The Children’s Hospital League Magazine, edited by J. E. Jones. Nos. 1-10

(March, 1912—Jan., 1913). Ports. Illus, All published. 8vo. 1912-3. XOTE.—The title of No. 1 was “The Open Window.”

Children’s Hospital Samaritan Fund and Convalescent Home: see Moseley Hall Convalescent Hospital.

Children’s Service Union (Birmingham and District) :—

Birmingham & District Children’s Service Union, Annual Report, 1907-8, ete. Bvo. [1908, ete.]. ;

Children's Union (Birmingham Street) : see Street Children's Union.

Children: sce also Boarding-out Committce ; Boys ; Byelaws ; Canals ; Catholic Working Boys’.Home ; Charities ; Child-Study Association ; Cinderella Club (Birmingham Clarion) ; Créche, Orphanage and Laundry, Camp Hill ; Crippled Children’s Union; Day Nursery; Deaf and Dumb; Education; Girls ; Industrial Schools ; Infants’ Health Society ; Juvenile Crime ; Kindergarten Association ; Mortality ; Orphanages ; Pentland’s Royal Robins ; Police-Aided Association; Probation; Reformatories; Rescue Society (Birmingham Diocesan) ; Schools,

Child-Study Association (British), Birmingham Branch :—

British Child-Study Association, Birminghain Branch, Report, 1901, ete. Svo. [1802, cte.].

British Chikl-Study Association, Birmingham Branch, Rules. py, 4. duo. (21901).

Cuoate (Josrrn Hopes) :—

Benjamin Franklin. Inaugural address, 1903, as president of the Birmingham and Midland Institute. pp. 103. 8vo. [1903).

—[ Another edn.] pp. 43. Port. Svo. (1903). —| Another copy.]

Choirmasters, Music Teachers, etc. (Midland Convention of) :— tS

fidland Convention of Choirmasters, Music Teachers, &c., in the Birmingham and Midland Institute. Programme. pp. 4. 4to. 1901,

Choral and Orchestral Association (Birmingham) :—

Birmingham Choral and Orchestral Association Concerts. Programmes [various]. 8vo. 1891-1905.

Gels and Orchestral Society (Erdington) : see Erdington Choral and Orchestral ' iety.

Choral and Orchestral Societies (King’s Norton) : see King’s Norton,

Choral and Orchestral Socicty (Northfield) ; see Northfield.