Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/226

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Reference Library, Birmingham

Choral Formatory’s Concerts:—















The Choral Formatory's Concert at the Town Hall, Birmingham, Program. pp. 12. 8vo. 1872.

Choral Society (Birmingham):—

Birmingham Choral Society. Concert Dec. 20, 1842, in the Town Hall. [Programme.] pp. 12. 8vo. 1842.

A selection of sacred Music at Solihull Church, on Dec. 20, 1839, for the benefit of Miss Jane Fletcher, organist. The choruses will be supported by a part of the Birmingham Choral Society. pp. 8. 8vo. 1839.

Choral Society (Birmingham): see also Band (Bohemian).

Choral Society (Birmingham City):—

Birmingham City Choral Society, Concerts, Books of Words and notes, 1899, etc. 4to. [1899, etc.].

Birmingham City Choral Society. Concerts. [Programmes for the seasons] 1899-1900—1902-3. 4 vols. duo. [1899-1902].

Birmingham City Choral Society. Conditions of membership, etc. pp. 4. 8vo. [1899].

Birmingham City Choral Society. (General Report) [1900-1 (2nd) etc.]. fol. 1901, etc.

Birmingham City Choral Society. Testimonial Concert to the conductor: Fred. W. Beard. Programme. Port. pp. 36. 4to. 1906.

Choral Society (Birmingham Festival): see Festival Choral Society.

Choral Society (Birmingham Temperance Philharmonic): see Temperance Society and District Union.

Choral Society (Duddeston): see Duddeston Choral Society.

Choral Society (Hamstead Road): see Hamstead Road.

Choral Society (Handsworth): see Handsworth Choral Society.

Choral Society (Holy Trinity): see Holy Trinity Choral Society.

Choral Society (Kings Norton): see King's Norton Choral Society.

Choral Society (Moseley): see Moseley Choral Society.

Choral Society (Selly Hill): see Selly Hill Choral Society.

Choral Society (Wycliffe): see Wycliffe Choral Society.

Choral Union (Amateur):—

Amateur Choral Union. Concert of sacred music in the Board Schools, Bristol St., June 18, 1877. [Announcement.] Leaflet. duo, [1877].

Choral Union (Birmingham):—

Birmingham Choral Union. Concerts at the Town Hall, Birmingham. Programmes [various]. 8vo. 1891-1906.

Birmingham Choral Union. Concerts [held in the] Town Hall, Programmes, Mar, 27, 1809; April 9, 1910. 4to. [1809-10].

Choral Union (Birmingham Schools'): see Schools' Choral Union.

Choral Union (Harborne): see Harborne Choral Union.

Chovil (Alfred S.):—

Our People and our Times. An address to the members of the Central Literary Association, Birmingham. pp. 12. duo. (1914).

Christ Church [1805-1897]:—

Act for erecting a new Church to be called Christ-church, in Birmingham, and for providing a maintenance and residence for the minister or perpetual curate thereof. (43 Geo. III., c. 117). 4to. 1803.

Act to amend and render more effectual an Act [43 Geo. III., c. 117] for erecting a new Church, to be called Christchurch, in Birmingham; and for providing a maintenance and residence for the minister or perpetual curate thereof. (50 Geo, III., c. 130), 4to. 1810.