Page:A Collection of 180 Loyal Songs.djvu/8

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The Preface.

Truth daily ſhines more and more. For now this Villain is detected, and turn’d out of his Imployment with Diſgrace, and conſequently made incapable of doing further Miſchief to any of his Majeſties Loyal Subjects: But to give him his due, he drein’d their Purſes, for in 9 Months time they publickly gave him above 80 l. beſides many private Gratuities, with hearty Thanks for his good Service, often affirming he did the Cauſe more good than a 1000 Men.

Theſe Collections (being of ſo much uſe to detect the Scandalous Lies and Falſhoods of the Factious, and to keep the ſtrong-headed Beaſt within the Reigns of Obedience) I thought fit to publiſh, that the World may ſee I have not been Idle in the worſt of times, but have done my endeavour (to the utmoſt of my Talent) for the Intereſt of the King and Government; which That they may flouriſh in ſpight of all his Adverſaries,

Is the hearty Prayers of

Your moſt Humble Servant
N T.