Page:A Collection of 180 Loyal Songs.djvu/9

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The Table.
Let Oliver now be forgotten 1
Let Pickering now be forgotten 3
Now, now the Tories all ſhall ſtoop 6
Now, now the Plot is all come out 8
Now, now the Antichriſtian Crew 10
Now, now the bad Old Cauſe is Tape 21
Now at last the Riddle is expounded 14
Now at last the matter is decided 17
Old Jemmy is a Lad 20
Prince George at last is come 23
Hail to the Knight of the Poſt 25
Hail to London fair Town 27
Hail to the Prince of the Plot 29
Room for great Algernon 31
There was a monſtrous Doctor 33
There was a Jovial Begger 35
Who would not be a Tory 37
You Free-men and Maſters and Prentices mourn 40
Good People I pray give Ear unto me 42
The ſecond Part to the ſame Tune 46
Come liſten a while tho’ weather be Cold 49
I’le tell you a Tale (tho before ’twas in Print) 51
Since Counterfeit Plots have affected this Age 54
You Whigs and Diſſenters I charge you attend 56
Let Wine turn a Spark, and Ale huff like a Hector 58
Come now lets rejoce and the City Bells Ring 62
Brave Colledge is hang’d the Chief of our hopes 64
Once one a time the Doctor did Swear 64
Wealth breeds Care, Love, Hope and Fear 69
Hark! the Thundring Canons Roar 71
I’m glad to hear the Canons Roar 72
Hark! the fatal day is come 74
Hark! the Bells and Steeples Ring 76
Riſe up great Genius of this Potent Land 79
Hells reſtleſs Factious Agents ſtill Plot on 81
Rouſe up the Tories of this Factious Land 82