Page:A Collection of Esoteric Writings.djvu/94

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Divine Solar ray, they have power to do that which other systems never could accomplish.

How can a system impart that which it admits it does not possess, viz., the dual states of adeptship? Where there are no feminine adepts in the order, it must ultimately yield to that dual power which is able to polarise and prepare both male and female atoms for the state in which they are fitted to be drawn up into the 'Celestial Marriage'. When intromitted into this state these wedded atoms act and re-act until every quality of their united being rotates and vibrates up and down the seven sides of the ray until becoming all radiant with light and heat in themselves, they are able to project the new born germs of a higher and purer life into the souls of those beneath them, who are drawn into the same state, and who, in their turn, may give out their several degrees of light and heat, and life to all around; and so on ad infinitum.*[1]

By these intermediates the mass of mankind receive the new order of life unconsciously according to their respective deeds, but the dual adepts will receive it consciously by direct influx. In order that new life-forms may be generated, the new life-force of a higher and purer order, must inflow into prepared atoms to receive the same both on this and other earths.

  1. * Again an unwarranted assertion whichever way we see it. There are "female" adepts in the Brotherhood, and of a very high order. Therefore, there being such, in fact, the deductions drawn from a mistaken premise fall. And if our opponent had in mind in writing the above sentence, something more abstract and vague than a more physical difference of sexes, then he will allow me perhaps, to tell him that our esoteric philosophy proves that outside of the world of gross matter there is no such difference, the latter itself occurring (even on our earth) as an accident due to gestation and not as a result of such or another male or female germ. Even the Christian Bible, the youngest of the many attempts to religions philosophy, teaches him that in the resurrection the people "neither marry not are given in marriages". So that "Celestial marriage, whatever this may mean in modern Esotericism, appears to be but a figure of speech. Our readers might also be benefited were they explained what it meant by a "Dual Adept."—T. S. R.