Page:A Collection of Esoteric Writings.djvu/95

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How, except throngh the Divine Solar state of a wedded pair, can this higher and purer life be generated? With this in view, it can be seen that the 'Brothers'—with their celibate conditions of adeptship—cannot possibly beget a higher, or purer, order of life than their own; hence it follows that a system, based on such a principle, cannot perpetuate itself.*[1]

It is at the culmination of a seventh cycle—a symbol of the Celestial Sun-day—that another Ray is shot forth across the universal Earth, and those who are prepared to receive its influence, and give birth, or ultimation, to higher forms of life, upon the respective earths they inhabit, according to its degree of development in the series; for as so ably shown by the writer of "Fragments of Occult Truth," the varied earths of a system, all differ as to states of mental and spiritual development; and yet not one could suffer deprivation of this Cyclic action from the 'Grand Sun,' without all the rest suffering from such loss to any specific member of the Solar family. Here comes in the distinction and difference between the guidance and teaching of the Planetary and Solar Guru. The one is the Forerunner, and prepares the way for the other; and it is the later one who leads his Chelas—both masculine and feminine—beyond the Tree of Knowledge, even to the Tree of Life itself.†[2]

  1. * Not necessarily. One critic seems to forget,—or perchance never know—that an adept has means of inbreathing, into his chosen "chela" besides his own "high order of life," to use his own expression, that of one still higher than himself, i. e., of the highest Bhodisatva living or dead, provided the parity of his own life permits to him the performance of the mysterious assimilation. But we can assure onr Brother, that without that "celibate" mode of life, against which he seems to protest so strongly, no adept could ever reach such a degree of power. Souls as well as spirits are sexless, and it is a great mistake to say that no "male monad" (?) can incarnate in a female body or vice versa. Mental and moral characteristics or idiosyncracies as met daily in life contradict the statement. It is owing to previous Karma that we discover so often masculine traits in weak female bodies and feminine tenderness and nervousness in strong men.—T. S. R.
  2. † Does our Brother, who speaks so often of the "Tree of Life," know its real esoteric significance? Let him prove it, by hinting at the grand mystery, and if he does show his knowledge—then verily will our Mahatmas be at his orders!—T. S. R.