Page:A Compendium of the Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg.djvu/30

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The Case of those who in the "World were Idiots • i •

The Delights of every one are changed into the corresponding

Delights after Death . , . . .

Unconscious Association of Angels and Spirits with Man . Why there are two Spirits and two Angels with every Man Such Spirits and Angels are subject Spirits of some Heavenly or

Infernal Society ....

The Angels Associated with Man, or Guardian Angels Only Good Spirits and Angels are with Infants The Lord's Providential Guardianship of Man from Evil Spirits in

Sleep ..... The Danger of conscious Intercourse with Spirits "When Angels or Spirits speak with Man they speak in his own

Language, from his Memory Man, not Enlightened by Intercourse with Spirits, but from

the Word .... - — Visions and Dreams . . ,

What is meant by being in the Spirit . What it is to be taken out of the Body, and to be carried by the

Spirit into another place The Difference between a State of Vision and direct Revela

tion from the Lord .... Extension of Man's Thought into the Spiritual World How Spirits can be enabled to see into this World How long Men remain in the World of Spirits Purgatory a Fiction . .


Heaven is Divided into Two Kingdoms • ,

There are three Heavens ....

The Heavens were not three before the Lord's Advent

In each Heaven there are Innumerable Societies

The Universal Heaven is in the Form of a Man

The Correspondence of Heaven with all things of Man

The Correspondence of Heaven with all things on Earth

The Sun and Moon in Heaven

The Heat and Light of Heaven , .

The Four Quarters in Heaven ,

Changes of State in Heaven .

Time in Heaven ....

Space and Distance in Heaven

Representatives and Appearances in Heaven

Tlie Garments of Angels

The Habitations and Mansions of the Angela

Governments in Heaven

Divine Worship in Heaven . ,

The Power of Angels . , ,

The Speech of Angels ,

"Writings in Heaven , ,

The Knowledge of the Angels

The "Wisdom of the Angels . . ,

The Innocence of Angels