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together with a new construction of Stoves. Amsterdam, 1721, 56 pages, 16mo. illustrated.

30. A new Method of finding the Longitudes of Places, on land and at sea, by Lunar Observations. Amsterdam, 1721, 29 pages, 8vo.

31. A new Mechanical Plan for constructing Docks and Dykes; and a mode of discovering the powers of Vessels by the application of Mechanical Principles. Amsterdam, 1721, 21 pp. 8vo, (second edition, 1727).

32. New Rules for maintaining Heat in Rooms. In Acta Lit. Sueciæ for 1722, 3 pages.

33. Miscellaneous Observations on the things of Nature, and especially on Minerals, Fire and the Strata of Mountains. Part I. to III. Leipzig, 164 pages, 16mo. Part IV., Schiffbeck near Hamburg, 56 pages 16mo, 1722.

34. Fable of the Love and Metamorphosis of the Muse Urania into a man and servant of Apollo, addressed to the most illustrious and excellent Senator, Count Maurice Wellingk, Schiffbeck near Hamburg, 1722, 8 pages, 4to.

35. An Elucidation of a Law of Hydrostatics, demonstrating the Power of the deepest "Waters of the Deluge and their Action on the Rocks and other Substances at the bottom bf the Sea. In Acta Lit. Sueciæ for 1722, pp. 353 to 356.

36. Frank Views on the Fall and Rise in the Value of Swedish Money. Stockholm, 1722, 20 pages, 4to.

37. The Magnet and its Qualities. MSS. 299 pp. 4to. 1722.

38. On the right Treatment of Metals. MS. 1723. 1481 pages, 4to.

39. The Motion of the Elements in General. MS. 5 pages, 4to. (1724 to 1733.)

40. Papers belonging to the Principia, etc. MS. 13 pages 4to. (1724 to 1733.)

41. The Mechanism of the Soul and Body. MS. 16 pages 4to. (1724 to 1733.)

42. A Comparison of Christian Wolf's Ontology and Cosmology with Swedenborg's "Principia Rerum Naturalium." MS. 49 pages 4to. (1724 to 1733.)

43. Anatomical Observations. MS. 6 pages 4to. (1724 to 1733.)

44. Journal of Travels for the Years 1733 and 1734. MS. 80 pages 4to.

45. Philosophical and Metallurgical Works. By Emanuel Swedenborg, 3 vols., Dresden and Leipzig, 1734. First vol., 452 pp. folio, 2d vol., 386 pages, 3d vol., 534 pages.

46. Outlines of a Philosophical Argument on the Infinite and the Final Cause of Creation, and on the Mechanism of the Operation of Soul and Body. Dresden and Leipzig, 1734, pp. 270, 8vo

47. An Abstract of the Work entitled Principia Rerum Naturalium. MS. 27 pp. 4to, 1734.