Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/452

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Messages and Papers of the Confederacy.

expired, voluntarily tendered their services to the country during the war, with the heroic determination never to abandon the field till the last vandal invader is driven from our soil and our freedom won.

Resolved, That, in view of the magnitude of the struggle in which we are engaged, and the great stake at issue — the freedom of our country — the Congress indulges the confident hope that the example so heroically set by their brothers in arms will be followed by our whole Army, thus giving to the world, after nearly three years of arduous struggle, an earnest of their determination to die or be free.

Resolved, That the President be requested to have the foregoing preamble and resolution sent to the commanders of the Army, with the request that they communicate them to the officers and soldiers, as an evidence of the high appreciation in which they are gratefully held by the Congress of the Confederate States of America for their heroic valor displayed on so many memorable occasions, and for their fortitude and perseverance under so many trials.

Approved February 3, 1864.

The Congress of the Confederate States having learned through the public press of the reënlistment for the war of the North Carolina brigade in the Army of Northern Virginia serving under General Robert D. Johnston: Therefore,

Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, That the patriotism and spirit of the North Carolina troops, evinced by their prompt and voluntary devotion of themselves afresh to the service of the country, are beyond all praise, and deserve the unbounded gratitude of the country.

Approved February 6, 1864.

Resolved by the Congress of the Confederate States of America, That the thanks of Congress are tendered to the gallant troops from the State of Louisiana in the Army of Tennessee, who have, with signal unanimity, volunteered their services for the war.

Sec. 2. Resolved, That the lofty and self-sacrificing spirit exhibited by this noble act deserves, and will receive, the commendation and gratitude of every true patriot.