Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/623

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Index. 59 1 Cooper, Samuel, General, Confederate Arm j, nomination of, 129, 306. Coosaw River, engagement at, re- ferred to, 200. Copperhead. A name given to citizens of the North- ern States of the Union who sympathized with the people of the South during the war. Corinth, Miss., Battle of. A battle near the town of Corinth, in northeastern Mississippi, Oct. 3, 4, 1S62. The Federals, 20,000, were commanded by Gen. Rosecrans, and defeated the Con- federates, commanded by Generals Van Dorn and Price. The loss of the former was about 2,500, and the latter about 4,000. Cotton: Accumulated by Treasury Depart- ment referred to, 390. Non-destruction of, in Savannah, Ga., referred to, 533. Protection for, under control of Secretaries of Treasury and War referred to, 503. Purchased for Government in Lou- isiana referred to, 311. Sale of, in foreign markets under cover of certificates referred to, 317. Sale or hypothecation of, or cotton certificates in Europe referred to, 3 IQ - Use of, as means of procuring sup- plies for Army, 530. Vessels in Chesapeake Bay for ex- porting referred to, 195. Cotton Bureau established in Texas referred to, 530. Cotton Loans, Foreign, referred to, 3S3, 390, 4S8. Counterfeiting of Confederate money by citizens of United States dis- cussed, 233, 235, 471. Appropriation for detecting persons engaged in, recommended, 239. Court of Admiralty and Maritime Ju- risdiction, act to establish, in Mis- sissippi vetoed, 101. Court, Supreme, organization of, rec- ommended, 192. Courts, organization of, discussed, 78. Courts-martial: Findings of, referred to, 300, 303. Recommendations regarding, 244, 44 8 » 53 8 - Reports of, in cases of desertion and drunkenness, transmitted, 255. 303. Courts, Military, recommendations re- garding, 448, 538. Covington and Ohio Railroad, commu- nication from President of Cen- tral Railroad urging completion of, discussed, 151. Cox, J. D., report of Gen. Marshall on attack on, transmitted, 245. Crawford, Martin J., peace commis- sioner to United States: Conduct of Federal Government in negotiations discussed, 70. Correspondence between Secretary Seward, Judge Campbell, and commissioners, 84. Transmitted, 82. Nomination and appointment of, 55. 56. Credit, Public, discussed, 192, 293. Creek Indians, treaty with, and other relations discussed, 149. Crittenden, George B., report of, on battle of Fishing Creek, Ky., re- ferred to, 200. Crittenden Compromise. A measure urged by John J. Critten- den, of Ky., in the Senate of the United States in 1S60-1S61, for harmonizing the sections of the country, and compromis- ing some of the slavery questions. The measure provided among other things for the reestablishment of the slave line of 36 30', and for the better enforcement of fugitive slave laws. Cross Keys, Va., Battle of. A battle in Rockingham County, Va., about 20 miles to the northeast of Staun- ton, June S, 1S62. The Federals,, were commanded by Gen. Fremont: the Confederates, about, by Gen. T. J. Jackson. Federal loss, 625; Confederate loss, 2S7.