Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/624

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Messages and Papers of the Confederacy.

592 Messages and Papers of the Confederacy. Cruizebearr, Robert, mentioned, 266. Cumberland Gap, Term., surrender of, discussed, 346. Currency. (See Treasury Notes.) Curry, Jabez L. M., mentioned, 29, 30. Curtis, Samuel R., mentioned, 214. D Danville, Va., railroad from Greens- boro, N. C, to, recommended, 140, 152. Davis, Jefferson, President Confederate States: Addresses of, to — Army of — Eastern Virginia, 229. Richmond, 228. Indian tribes, 477. People of Confederate States, 33i, 5 6 S. Soldiers of Confederate States, 335. 4H- Advice of Senate regarding neces- sity of renominating certain offi- cers requested by, 246. Appropriations recommended by. (See Appropriations.) Biographical sketch of, 17. Causes leading up to War between the States discussed by, 32, 63 (see also 60, 70,. 78, 82), 117, 184, 277. Constitutional powers of Executive and Senate regarding nomina- tions discussed by, 388. Constitutional rights of States discussed by, 32, 63, 121, 184, 277. Election of, as President of Provi- sional Government, 29. Notification of, 30. Extraordinary session messages of, 63, 134- Extraordinary sessions of Congress convened by, 60, 133. Finances discussed by, and recom- mendations regarding, 77, 123, 139, 191. 2 35> 259, 293. 361, 44 6 - 488» 532, 545- Davis, Jefferson, President Confederate States (Continued): Foreign relations discussed by, 76, H 2 . 278,348, 444, 485. Inaugural address of — First, 32. Second, 183. Inauguration of — First, 31. Second, 181. Information requested by House regarding naval employees abroad refused by, reasons there- for, 302. Letter of, to President Lincoln — Introducing peace commission- ers, 55. Regarding treatment and ex- change of prisoners of war, "5,343- Referred to, 121. Nominations of. (See Executive Nominations.) Peace negotiations — Conduct of Federal officials re- garding, discussed by, 70. Correspondence between Con- federate commissioners, Sec- retary Seward, and Judge Campbell, 84. Transmitted, 82. Discussed by, 497, 519, 549. Hampton Roads conference dis- cussed, 519, 549. Message and correspondence of President Lincoln, 521. Report of commissioners, 520. Military convention for, referred to, 550, 552. Refusal of United States to enter into, discussed by, 70, 82, 381, 519. 550. Willingness of any State of United States to enter into con- vention regarding, referred to, 500. Pocket veto of, organizing general staff for armies, 457.