Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/625

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Index. 593 Davis, Jefferson, President Confederate States (Continued): Portrait of, 16. Proclamations of— Admission of Missouri into Con- federacy, 166. Banishing alien enemies, 131. Belligerent expedition, 565. Conscription, 326. Declaring Benjamin F. Butler an outlaw, etc., 269. Extraordinary sessions of Con- gress convened, 60, 133. Fasting and prayer, 103, 135, 217, 227, 268, 324, 328, 412, 563, 567- Order regarding, 565. Habeas corpus, suspending writ of, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226. Inviting applications for letters of marque and reprisal, 60. Referred to, 75. Measures of retaliation for crimes committed by United States of- ficers, 269. Organization of Arizona Territo- ry, 167. Pardoning soldiers guilty of ab- sence without leave and deser- tion, 329. Revoking exequatur of British consul, 325. Savannah commissioned private armed vessel, 102. Thanksgiving. (See Fasting and Prayer, hereunder.) Treaty with Virginia, 102. Request of House that President cause State Department to trans- mit estimate of expenses for dip- lomatic affairs refused by, rea- sons therefor, 253. Secession of Confederate States discussed and referred to by, 32, 63, 117, 184, 278. Secretary of, appointment of, re- ferred to by, 200. 38 Davis, Jefferson, President Confederate States (Continued;: Slavery, and rights of States re- garding, discussed by, 66. Special session messages of, 63, _ I34> Special sessions of Congress con- vened by, 60, 133. State of the Confederacy discussed by, 32,63, 117, 136, 1S4, 189, 232, 276, 296, 345, 443, 482, 544. Stephens, A. II., correspondence regarding appointment of, as military commissioner to Unit- ed States, 339. Veto messages of — Abolishing office of certain quar- termasters, etc., 559. Acceptance of volunteer regi- ment from Texas, 160. Amending act — Aiding Kentucky, 408. Establishing and organizing general staff for Army, 262. Establishing and organizing Provisional Army, 263. Imposing regulations upon for- eign commerce to provide for public defense, 466. Reducing currency and author- izing new issue of notes and bonds, 470. Authorizing — Appointment of artillery offi- cers for ordnance duty, 466. Appointment of additional as- sistant surgeons in Army, 130. Free mailage of newspapers to soldiers, 556. Building vessels of war, 266. Claim of McDaniel and Ewing, 472. Congressional elections in Ten- nessee, 324. Creating office of commanding general, 215. Directing how prize money shall be paid, 216.