Page:A Concise Grammar of the Malagasy Language.djvu/61

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The following are the chief prepositional phrases or compound prepositions made by prefixing a-, am-, an-, or i- to nouns:—

Àfovòana ( and vòa? or, reduplicated?), in the heart of, in the midst of.
Alòha (lòha), ahead, before.
Àörìana, behind.
Amòrona (mòrona), on the edge of, on the brink (or, margin) of.
Atsìmo, south of.
Àtsinànana (tsìnana?), east of.
Avàratra (vàratra?), north of.
Ambàny (vàny?), beneath, below, under.
Ambòny (vòny?), above, upon.
Ambòdy (vòdy), at the rump (or, tail) of, at the bottom of.
Ambàdika (vàdika), on the other side of (i.e. as of a thing turned upside down).
Àmpovòany ( and vòa? or, reduplicated?), in the middle of.
Ampìta (ìta), on the other side of, across (a river).
Ànatrèhana (àtrika), in the presence of.
Anàty (àty), inside of, within, among.
Andàfy (làfy), on the other side of.
Andàny (làny),
An-dòha (loha), on the head of, on, at the head of.
Andrèfana, west of.