Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/111

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£ 105 ] XIII. — Mandala Pdnji. Palm leaves. A portion of the records of the temple of Jagan* nath, containing the legend of its first establishment' by lndradyumna, and the rules prescribed by Brah- ma for the ceremonies to be observed there. XIV. — Pratdpa Chintdmani, Palm leaves. A treatise on the duties of the different castes and orders of mankind, illustrated with Pau- ranic legends, supposed to be communicated by Vasishtha to Dasaratha. It opens with the ana- chronism of the story of the birth of the Pandus, who according to all authorities were long subse- quent to Dasaratha the father of Rama. By Vira Vishnu Das. XV. — Premasudhd nidhi. Palm leaves. Marriage of Premasudhd nidhi Princess of Ke- rala to Kumdra vira prince of Sinhala — consist- ing chiefly of lyrical descriptions of the pangs and pleasures of love. By Upendra Bhanjan.

XVI. — Rasa Panchaka. Palm leaves. < A work on amatory acts and emotions, by Upen~ dra Bhanjan.