Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/112

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[ 106 ] Xyil.—Rasalekhd. Palm leaves. Marriage of Rasalekhd princess of Malaya to Jar atkdru muni. By Upendra Bhanjan. XV1II-— Rasa kalolla. Palm leaves. An account of the birth of Krishna &nd his sports at Vrinddvan. By Dina Krishna Das. XlX.—Ushd. Palm leaves. The adventures of Aniruddha the grandson of Krishna in his amour with Ushd the daughter of Bdndsura. By Sankara Das. XX. — Vraja Vihar. Palm leaves. A description of Krishna's residence at Vrindd- van and his sports with the Gopis. By Upendra Bhanjan. XXI. — Vichitra Bhdrat. Palm leaves. 4 A version of part of the Sabhd and Virdt Par* vas of the Mahabh&rat, giving an account of the exile of the Pdndavas and their residence with Fi- rgla Raja. By Viswambhara Das.