Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/115

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t 109 J ficatory of the spirit — describing the nine kinds of faith or Bhakti, the eight exercises of Yoga or de- votion — the two principles of nature Purusha and Pralcriti, and the illusive effects of the latter — the organs of sense, the nature of the body and spirit, and the three conditions of existence, waking, slum- bering, sleep; with the fourth state or perfect know- ledge and the means of its attainment. In five chap-* ters, by Sundara Das. IV. — Vijnt/dn vilds. An extensive treatise on the different philosophi- cal tenets of the Hindus, recommendatory of those of the Veddnta and of a life of asceticism in the ibrm of a dialogue between a Guru and Sishya or spiritual Preceptor and Pupil. By Gangapati, da- ted Samvat 1775 or A. D. 1719. V. — Yoga Vasishtha. A work on the principles of the Veddnta philo- sophy, in which Rama in conversation with Vasish- tha, Viswamitra and other sages discusses the un- reality of material existence* the merits of works and devotion and the supremacy of spirit. Translated from the Sanscrit, in twenty-six sections. VI. — Nrisinhopanishad. Paper. A translation of an Upanishad known as the ^Nrisinha or Nrisinha tdpaniyq one of the appen*