Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/116

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C no 3 dices of the Atharvan Veda, in nine khandas, treating of the difference between life and spirit, the nature of Pranava or mystical syllable or Br ah- me— the letters of which it is composed, and the identification of the individual and universal spirit. The character of the work is as much mystical as theological, partaking rather of the Tantrika than Vaidika system. VII. — Chhandogya Upanishad. Paper* A translation of the Chhandogya, Upanishad of (he Sdma Veda. YllL—Parsi PraMs. A description of the Hindu and Mohammedai) modes of computing months, years, the rising and setting of the Sun and Mo6n, the lunar asterisms, planetary aspects, eclipses, &c. with an explanation of the Arabic and Persian terms used in astronomy and astrology— composed by Veddnga Ray a at the command of Shahjehan. IX. — Chhatra Pralcds. A minute account of the origin and actions of Chhatra Sal, Raja of Bundelkund, tracing his de- scent from the solar race of kings through the house of Ayodhya, and detailing his victories over the pet-