Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/200

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xliv 3. Account of the OH Fort of the Kurumbas at Ni~ rumpur in the Jagir district. 4. Chronological table of the Tamul Rajas in the* Dravida country. 5. Account of the Naga Kumar a Andanda Chakra~ vartti former Raja of Dravida. 6. Account of the Pagoda of Sundareswara Swami at Madhura. 7. Account of the Temple of Tirunarainpuram in the Trichinapali district. ' 8. Genealogical account of Kumar Kandama naik Zemindar of Aykudi in the Dindigal district. 9. Account of Padmdchala in Dravida* 10. Account of the Revenue of some villages in Tarikamba district, together with a description of the Boundaries and Caves, &c. in the Dindigal district. 1 f . Table of the different grains produced in the £)i»- digal district. 12. Account of Kulapa Naik Palligar of Ntllakota in ditto. 13. Genealogical account of the ZJlla^anaik of Ka* lahastri iu Dravida. XXVI. 1. Genealogical account of Appay a naik Palligar of Kannyvadi in the Madhura district. 2. Genealogical account of Bodi naik of Sivaram Kulam in ditto. 3. Genealogical account of Paryakulam Ramabhad* dra Naiken of Udakara Pallam in ditto. 4. Genealogical account of Gundama naik Palligar of Terumale Pallam iu ditto. 5. Account of the hidden Treasure found by a person at Kannatur village with a copper inscription : in the Madhurantakam District. XXVII. I. Genealogical Account of the Tanjore Prince*.