Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/201

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XXVIII. 1. , Genealogical account of Avalapa naik Palligar of the Pavali pargannah in the Madhura district. 2. Genealogical account of Kumar Ama naik ,the Palligar of Karresapntt Pallam in ditto. 3. Account of the incarnation of J nana Samandhar Swami priest of the Sana religion at Madhura in ditto. 4. Genealogical account of Kumara Swami, Zemin- dar of Kaddambur in ditto. 5. Genealogical account of Tambuchi Nad under the Pandeya Kings in ditto. 6. Genealogical account of Tennatupali Nullakuti De- lia Zemindar of Singampatti in ditto. 7. Genealogical account of Saluva Ueva Zemindar of S anda in ditto. 8. Genealogical accouut of Pulavodaya Deva Ze- mindar of Maneyachi in ditto. 9. Genealogical account of Jakanakunjaya NaiduZe* mindar of Mallomanda Chinna Pallipatt in ditto. 10. Genealogical account of Ullagiri Naidu Zemindar of Naduvile ditto. 11. Genealogical account of Inmadi Allaralt Achu* rama Govinda Zemindar of Terupal Pallipatt ditto. 12. Genealogical account of Yama naik Palligar of Varlapur Pallipatt in ditto. XXIX. 1. Account of the Temple at Tiruvatur Desaman* galam village in the Ramanadpur district in Madhura ditto. % Account of the Temple at Nynargudi village in ditto. 3. Account of the holy place of Pushpavana Kasi at Sinhampallapatt in ditto. 4. Account of the Pagoda of Chokanatha Swami at Murakudi village in ditto. 5. Account of the Chidambaram Pagoda in the Dra* lira Country,