Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/332

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clxxvi 16. Geographical Notices and Memorandum of the copy of Savanur>Jumkhundi and Mcrrich, $c. 17. Route from Jumhhundi to Merrich. 18. Ditto ditto, by Gocauk Savanur and Sirpittt to Sn- tti/i/r and Hurrihur. 19 Account of the distance of Jumkhundi from differ- ent places. 20. Remarkable places for the first time introduced into the Map, being actually inspected. 21. Memoir of the Construction of a Map of the Nor- thern Frontiers of the Nizam's and the Peishwah's Dominions. 22. Latitudes and Longitudes of places in India, from various authorities. 23. Astronomical Observations taken in a Survey from Ellore to Hydrabad. 24. Observations for ascertaining the watch at Ma* Bulipatam, A. D. 1798. 25. Ditto on the South side of Captain Mackenzie's Bungalow at the Camp of Hussan Sagevo. 26. Observations taken at Mungul, with the Chrono- meter to ascertain the Longitude. 27. Same place ; Observations for the Latitude. 28. Observations at Hydrabad of Jupiter's satellites, 29. Longitude of Bangalore 44, SO. SO. Ditto Nellamungalum^ East Longitude by account77 31. Ditto Chittledrug, ditto. 32. Ditto Hurry hur, ditto. 33. Ditto Cancupa, ditto. 34. Ditto Mulkamai u, ditto. 35. Ditto Gudicottahy ditto. 36. ditto Devasamudrum, ditto. 37. Ditto Comply on the banks of the Tumbudra. 38. Ditto Musgud, ditto. 39. Ditto Sera, ditto.