Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/333

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clxxvii 40. Ditto Great Balapur, ditto. 41. Table of Longitudes and Latitudes. 42. Observations for the Latitude of places, by Meri- dian Altitude, Sun and Stars. 43. Remarks on the Frontier Roads and Military Posts between the Kistna and II y drab ad. 44. View of the Routes from Guntur by "which Troops may move towards Nelganda with light gums. 45. Route of the English Detachment serving with the Nizam in June 1795. 46. Ditto ditto, ditto, February. 47. Ditto ditto* from Rachur to the neighbourhood of Guyundurgur in the month of May. 48. Remarks on the country in the route of the Nizam's force on its march from Hydrabad. 49. Subsidiary Detachment under the command of Co- lonel Roberts. 50. Route from Hydrabad to Rachur, of an English Detachment under Lieutenant Bowser. 51. Ditto, to Poonah from Bombay, by Pan well. 52. A Sketch of Bombay. 53. From Poonah to Bombay by Tanna. 54. Route from Ruttenpoor to Sahagpoor. 55. Route from ditto, to Nagpoor. 56. From Nagpoor to Seronge y by Mr. Tenglass. in 1793. 57. Route from My sore to Poonah, by ditto, 1794. 58. Remarks and Observations on the country and different stages between Rungpur in the Nizamut and Kondapilli. 59 Extract from Colonel Hyndman's route to Hy- drabad. 60. A short Diary from Hydrabad to Nagpoor, by the way of Nimul. 61. Continued from Nagpoor to Allahabad.