Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/334

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clxxviii 62. Abstract of the route from Hydrabadby Nagpoor to Allahabad. 63. Marches and Observations on the Roads, Forts, Country, &c. during the Campaigns with the Arm j. 64. Routes in Dekhin. Daswar to Meritch. 65. Ditto ditto, Meritch to Poonah. 66. Ditto ditto, March from Poonah to Ahmecbutggur. 67. Ditto ditto, Marcli from Ahmednuggur, with the Subsidiary Force under the command of Colonel Wallace, in 1807. 68. Ditto ditto, March from Futtapoor to Ahmednvggur 69. Ditto ditto, Route from Poonah 9 by Hydrabadto. Fort St. George, 70. Ditto ditto, Hydrabad to the Kishna by Nelganda. lxi. 1. A letter of John Kennaway to the Right Hon'ble Earl Cornwallis, K. G. 2. Statement of what passed at the different conferen- ces held with Tippu's Vakeels, from the 14th to 19th Fe- bruary inclusive 1792, 3. Continuation of the Statement of what passed in the conferences with Tippu's Vakeels, including those of the 21st and 22nd of February 4. Appendix from 23 to 29. 5. Letters to J. Kennaway, from Tippu's Vakeels, and answers from him from the 1st to 3 1st March. 6. Continued the letters between John Kennaway and Tippu's Vakeels from 1st to 10th April. 7. Extracts from the Journals from the 23rd to 29th Feliruary. 8. Appendix 14, from 1st to 31st March. 9. Ditto 72, from 1st to 9th April, 1792. LXI1. 1. Diary of an Embassy from Colurabo to the Court of Candy by the Secretary to the Embassy .