Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/413

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ttem two Pagodas and promised to pay the rest within fifteen days. Having thus settled, I acquainted ray Mas- ter by letter, thereof. Mean time some other head Sta* tiikul having got notice of my Negotiation went directly to the Devalam and saw the Image, and coming to ray lodging, they returned the money advanced declaring that they would never a^ree to sell the Image evenfof thousands, I thereupon resolved to wait for my Master'* orders before I should apply to the Collector; but ac* quainted Venkat Rao the head Seristadar of the Cutchery f and meantime forbid the Stanikul to melt down the Image, (as we were apprehensive of) without the Collector's permission ; I went myself to the place where it had beea dug up, and employed four Coolies to dig to the depth of a man but finding only a stone Image of Bouddah and two covered Bouddha wells, I suspended further search and returned to my house. 21st. — I went to the village of Nelapadi six miles west, where during the Government of the Bouddha Rajas a large ffagar had existed and in a Devalam according to the Bouddha Sastram^ two stone linages had been placed, and worshipped with all kind of Ceremonials. At present tho Devalam is entirely destroyed and sunk to the earth, and only the two Images remain, their faces towards one ano- ther; there I visited some Jaina people and enquired for the ancient History of the place; as they were inimical to the Bouddhas they would give no direct answers, and only said " they understood nothing of these things 8a ve what regarded their own religion," therefore I took down some account of the Jainas from these people. 22nd.— Thence I went to KelanamemcharL where I found some old Pandarams and enquired for the ancient Histories and Traditions pf the Chola Rajas, Chera Rajas and Patidia Rajas, and they gave me some account bf Cuna Pandia* Somasunder Pandia. &c. 23rd to 30th.— Thence 1 proceeded to Terwallur by Ahe way of Teruoiat and Maradambat, &c. there are some stone Images of Bouddha of the height of from one or two men. Formerly during the Government of Virt/a Vaden* £Q Zjokn soft of Mayiunda Solent a widow of the Tondbiriafh t