Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/414

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ccfrm Cast that "was 'living *t * Adi Yetca Manhtl Gramamy>xib mile east of Teruoalur^ had a son,whose Parents had buri- ed much Treasure in that Village : when the lad was of an age to read in the Pallicutam it happened that a certain Panchangi (or CalenderBramin) n&inedSundariah who used to go to the neighbouring tillages to rehearse the Paw- changam in the way of his calling, on the road passing by where the Treasure was hid, he repeatedly met the Jrisachi (or Demons ) that used to watch there, who appear* ed to him like Sepoys : at their meeting he used to repeat to them the Panchdngam as he returned to his own house; in this manner it continued for some time; the Demon at last said to him " Why do you come here every day to read the Panchdngam ? What benefit do you expect from usr" The Panchangi answered, that u He wanted no- -thing but their favor," The Devil then told him " There is a certain Widow's son who reads in the School in thip village, whose ancestors buried a great deal of Treasure in this place. We are Demons, and are therefore guard- ing it here, if you go to him, and bring a Draft from him for the sum you require, we will give you the money ." The Panchangi then went to the widow's house, saw the young lad and <lesired him to shew his writing; but the boy being young was not able to write but from that time the Panchangi used to feed him and give him instruction in the Alphabet, &c. and having obtained some knowledge, lie one day told the boy to write upon a Cadjan leaf an order for a thousand Pagodas payable to the Panchangi in order to see a Specimen of his hand writing : the boy

  • accordingly .wrote this and the Panchdngi carried and

shewed it to the Demons who immediately paid the sum. This continued for some days, the lad grew up day by day, and obtained the complete favor of the Chola Raja and a very lucrative employment; At the expiration of some time, the Raja having raised an army against the Kalinga Raja left the charge of bis Government to the youth, conferred on him the title of Karan&kar Tonda* man and marched to the Northward. Mean while the circumstance of the Hidden Treasure, came to the knowledge of Karan&kar Tondaman, who went to the aforesaid place took possession of the whole Treasure/ built the Temple, Muntapam &c. at Tcruvallur