Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/97

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the Bauddha-Sástram Tidthey persuaded Parumál that this was the True Faith, and the Parumál of that time accepted of the Bauddha-Mayam and that Párumdl told the Mana-nád (or Malayalam) to follow that way—At which time on hearing what was said, all the senses of the Bramins, were confounded or lost: they all went to Teru-Káriur and there remained to- gether, and there preserved the Valeya-Purusha (respectable men, the Ancients or Elders) of the Gramams. They were obliged to serve under different people to obtain a livelihood, and at that time not being able to prevent Pollution and preserve their Purity, they were grieved.

108 Then by the favor of Iswar. a Maha-Rishi (or Great sage) came thither, whose name was Jangaman; and the whole of the Bramins who were there, assembled together, an declared their Sankatam (or Trouble) to the Maha-Rishi when the Maha-Rishi answered " I shall whisper you a Prayaschitam (or Form of Purification) to expiate the sin of Pollution which arises in your Cooking Places; For which purpose after Sunset you should place Lamps, and the Bramins should make the Pradakshinam round the Lamps, dressed in the Táru, tying the Mailmundu over it and putting on the Pavitram (or Ring on the fourth finger) holding the Karam-Dulu (a kind of Grass) and in that place, you are to Worship, and believe that to be the True-Religion of Siva.

109. He then recited to them a Gánam (or Hymn) which is the principal Mantram in the Sám-Vedam, and which Gánam consisted of Four Pádams; and he said. "If you perform Worship in this manner you will be released from your troubles."

110. The Maha-Rishi also said. " The cause of this Calami-ty happening to you is, because into the Rajya granted by Parasu Ram you brought a Kshetriya, who was his Enemy; and made him a Raja; this loss of his favor has happened to